Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

Quick Stats

Name: Lee Chaldecott
Age: 26
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 49 Kgs
Current city: Johannesburg, South Africa
Occupation: Make-up artist / Personal trainer

Have you always lived a fit lifestyle?

I used to run and swim in school and then life takes over and you wonder where the time goes. Then health issues arose and fitness wasn’t really even thought about for me. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

How did you get started?

At the beginning of this year, after everything else I had gone through I started having heart issues (I had hypocalcemia) which meant I couldn’t even run. So myself and my boyfriend’s new years resolution was to stop eating junk food and I also wanted to be able to do pull ups and get a six pack. That’s where it all began for me.

How do you manage to stay motivated and consistent throughout your training and eating?

I had my moments, but when I didn’t feel like training my boyfriend would go anyway. It’s a marvellous motivator when you suddenly feel guilty and lazy for not doing something 😉 Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

What are your future plans?

Mainly to stay healthy and keep on training and improving. I would like to make it to worlds and get all my qualifications in personal training.

What made you decide to compete?

It’s something I never thought I would do. I am extremely shy and intimidated by large crowds but with everything else I was conquering this year I thought, well let me try and conquer another fear of mine.

Don’t get my wrong, every time I go on stage I still shake and always feel nervous. I don’t think that will ever go away. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

Take us through an average day of yours:

I get up, go and train my first client, come back and train myself, then either head out to set for a photo shoot, or have another client over for training.

Have you encountered any major setbacks?

Cost is one of my primary issues. I train at home and do not use a coach or anyone to really help or guide me so it’s a lot of research and trial and error on my part to find out what works and what doesn’t. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet:

This is my first year so I haven’t had an ‘off  season’ but leading up to contests I generally increase my carbs to try and build a bit of size and then two weeks leading up I tend to lower my carbs and start dehydrating a week before. I don’t have a solid philosophy on this yet, I’m still doing a lot of trial and error to see what works for me 😉

Do you ever get cravings for a certain food? How do you deal with them?

Candy is my biggest weakness, so on Sundays I treat myself 😉 Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

What are your top Nutrition tips?

  • Stay clear of junk food
  • Don’t use too much oil or grease in your cooking
  • What ever protein intake you currently have it probably can be increased
  • Oats, always eat your oats!

Do you believe supplements are really necessary?

I don’t have a lot of experience with them. Ultimately budget plays a huge role in what I have so I can’t really talk about this from personal experience.

But, if you are going to get one supplement I would suggest whey protein. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training?

  • Train as hard as you can but set a limit, generally around 35 minutes.
  • Really push for that time. Don’t mozy around for and hour or more.

Do you enjoy bodyweight exercises? What about them do you love?

I love body weight exercises, as mentioned earlier I train at home so no fancy equipment for me. So a lot of plyo-metric movements and callisthenic exercises 🙂

Functional training is always my favourite because it tends to work quite a few muscle groups in every exercise as opposed to just working your biceps or triceps in one movement. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

What are your 3 favourite exercises?

Wow, this question stumps me, it depends on my mood;) I like most shoulder exercises as it’s my strongest muscle group. So,

  • Shoulder presses
  • Wide stance push ups (do them at different levels for variety) 
  • Arnold presses.

What advice and training tips would you give the ladies to developing rock hard abs?

Abs are made in the kitchen.

You unfortunately cannot eat whatever you want and still have abs. Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

How do you measure your progress? And how often?

I don’t weigh myself, it’s generally photos and measurements. Once a month but never that often. I’m terrible that way.

Favorite female fitness icon(s):

It’s a long list so I’ll start with the obvious: Zoe Daly, Bella Falconi, then home grown Lauren Terblanche.

Favorite Quote:

I always like to say “now to eat your oats and make some gains.” Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

What’s the most common question you get asked?

How did you get your abs and unfortunately it’s in the kitchen.

What is the one thing you see people do at the gym which really annoys you?

Um, I can’t answer that for you yet since I train at home 😉 I hear a lot of people get annoyed by weights not being packed away.

What competitions have you entered and your placings?

  • Nabba Jozi classics | 3rd
  • WBF provincials | 1st
  • WBF nationals | 2nd (In the wrong division as they didn’t have toned bikini)
  • USN face of fitness | final 32 Interview With Make-up artist And Personal trainer, Lee Chaldecott

Advice for someone wanting to get in shape?

Just get in the gym. Forget what others may thing think or do, ignore what people may say or do.

This is not about anyone else but YOU!

Where can people get in touch with you?

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