Tag: bodybuilding

5 Tips for Getting Out of a Workout Slump

Falling into a workout slump happens to the best of us, even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts. But this decrease in activity doesn’t need to be the end of your time in the gym, and there are ways to get back into action. Use these tips to get out of your workout slump and reignite […]

How Drinking Alcohol Impacts Your Fitness Goals

Drinking alcohol is a common way to unwind, but have you ever considered how it affects your fitness goals? Maintaining your health goes beyond what you do in the gym. It’s a constant commitment to keeping yourself in shape and on a clean diet. In this article, we will discuss the various ways that drinking […]

Everything To Know About Cross-Training for Athletes

For those living an active lifestyle, the term “cross-training” pops up frequently. But what is it, and why does it hold so much appeal? Cross-training is about diversifying your workout regimen. It’s the practice of training in more than one sport or type of exercise to improve fitness and performance, particularly in your main sport. […]

Wazoogles Superfood Protein Blend Review | Peanut Butterlicious!

This review looks at a vegan protein powder and superfood smoothie blend, more specifically the Wazoogles Superfood Protein Blend – Peanut Butterlicious! Protein shakes are a great way to add to your daily intake of calories as well as essential nutrients and ‘super foods’, and add just what you need. There is no need to […]

Health Benefits of Eating a High-Fiber Diet

Did you know there’s a simple, staple component of our daily meals that could potentially unlock a world of health benefits? Enter the prolific yet humble dietary fiber—an unsung hero in the realm of nutrition. Our bodies thrive on this not-so-digestible plant matter, and a diet rich in fiber has more perks than we often […]

Amir Zandinejad | Mobility by Coachbeardthebestyoucanbe

Amir Zandinejad, known as ‘Beard’ is a 36 year old certified mobility specialist. He has been a personal trainer for over 13 years and been working out for almost 20 years. Amir spent the majority of that time training in conventional ways, only doing weight lifting and cardio, with zero emphasis or understanding of mobility […]

Heavy Lifting Ergonomics – The Lift Setup For Heavy Objects

You may have heard about proper desk ergonomics, but have you ever heard about heavy lifting ergonomics? Many have not. Unfortunately, the majority of back injuries that Americans suffer each year are caused at work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than one million workers suffer back injuries every year. Heavy lifting […]

Top Athlete Recovery Techniques You Can Do at Home

You may have seen images of professional athletes soaking in ice baths or sweating in saunas. Neither of these is very practical for recreational athletes who are simply interested in keeping fit. In fact, recent research suggests that those ice-filled tubs aren’t such a good idea after all. But since recovery is an integral part […]

Sweating It Out? Keep It Clean!

When you hit the gym, you’re there to shed calories, not decorum. Keeping things clean is not just a matter of good manners, it’s about everyone’s well-being. Imagine working out in a place that’s as fresh as a daisy, where every weight and treadmill is a clean slate for your fitness conquest. That’s the dream, […]

What Is Workout Recovery & Why Is It Important?

A proper fitness regime consists of more than just exercise, it involves many moving parts, each working toward the same goal of healthier, stronger, and growing bodies. Acts of physical movement, proper nutritional intake, and rest, a recovery stage, are essential to maximizing one’s fitness journey. Implementing recovery to your workout routine offers many benefits, […]