Name: Wesley Robertson
Age: 31
Height: 1,75 m
Competition weight: 82 Kgs
Current weight: 87 Kgs
Current city: Gauteng, South Africa
Occupation: Sales
How long have you been training for bodybuilding and what made you get started in it?
I have been training since matric. I was tired of being the skinniest guy around, but only really started taking the sport seriously 4 years ago.
Who has been your biggest influence/support in your life and how did they affect you?
Jaco de Bruyn has by far been the most influential person when it comes to fitness and competing, he has always been there to pick me up and push me to do my best.
The most supportive person in my life is my fiancée Mikaela, she is my biggest fan, my pillar of strength, she inspires and encourages me through everything I do.
When was your first competition and what was the prep like?
My First comp was WBFF SA 2014, and what an amazing experience it was. That’s where the bug officially caught me….
The prep on the other hand was probably the worst experience of my life. It consisted of copious amounts of cardio (3 hours a day), starving myself and it just didn’t pan out the way I was hoping for. I have learned tremendously from that prep, as I learned from every other prep.
I am now in a position where I understand my body and I am able to achieve my stage condition without putting any serious strain on my body.
And what is the hardest part about prep for you?
To be honest the hardest part about prep is missing out on special occasions, family time and social time. Having to isolate yourself from temptation completely. It’s time you never get back but luckily my support structure is amazing and my family and friends understand what I am doing and encourage me.
Is it difficult to stay motivated some times? How do you deal with that?
We all have our ups, downs and daily battles, but one thing I do daily is wake up with a goal and keep that goal in mind, constantly reminding myself that I didn’t come this far to give up.
Having a positive mind set, even when it’s tough will always help you conquer your goals.
What are your future plans?
I’ve always wanted to step on an International stage and having achieved my Pro status this year for WFF Male Fitness, I have decided to challenge myself and compete at WFF Universe Singapore next year June.
Take us through an average day of yours:
- 6:00: Wake up (on the days I don’t do fasted cardio), Shower and eat my first meal.
- 8:00 – 16:00: At work (during that time I have 2 meals and planned my workout for the day).
- 16:30: Some down time and my pre workout meal.
- 17:00 – 18:30: Training, Come home and spend quality time with my wife to be and our 2 kids (Chihuahuas).
- 19:30: Together we cook dinner and prep our meals for the next day.
- 21:30: Bed time.
What are your top nutrition tips to picking up muscle?
I personally believe when you are trying to push those boundaries you need to feed your body, by getting in the right amount of protein, carbs and fats. I always like to utilize carbs around my training times to maximize growth and feed my muscles. Listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs!!
What process do you follow when its time to start getting ready for a competition/photoshoot or to just lean down?
Well it depends on my condition, but dropping carbs slightly, adding in some fasted cardio and adding in some supersets/ giant sets to my workout.
When I prep for a comp, I like to do at least a 12 week prep, as you can fine tune your body slowly without compromising your health and burning too much muscle.
Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet:
At the moment my diet is flexible but still clean, I might switch carbs and proteins around depending on how I feel.
But here is an example:
Meal 1:
- 8 egg whites
- 2 full eggs
- Baby spinach, spring onions
Meal 2:
- 180g rump
- Baby marrow
Meal 3:
- 180g Chicken breast
- 100g jasmine rice
- 1 TBSP coconut oil
Meal 4:
- 1 serving recon1 whey
- 70g wheat free Pronutro
- 30g almond butter
- 1 banana
Intra workout:
- 125ml powerade
- 1 serving cluster bomb
- 1 serving bcaa
- 1 serving creatine
- 1 tbsp glycerine
- 1 serving glutamine
Meal 5:
- 200g fillet
- 200g jasmine rice
Meal 6:
- 1 serving redcon1 whey
Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training schedule:
I train 6 times a week for roughly an hour, each day is a different muscle group. I add in 30 minutes post cardio 3 times a week on the days I don’t train big muscle groups.
What are some of the mistakes you see guys making in their training when trying to lean down?
- Relying solely on cardio.
- Eating incorrectly.
- Not sticking to their plan.
Do you include much cardio into your prep training?
I don’t do more than 40 minutes fasted and 20 minutes post work out during a prep.
What are your three favourite exercises and why?
- Side Laterals for my shoulders, great pump and creates definition.
- Squats, no one should live without squatting.
- Dumbbell rows, allows for an isolated squeeze and all round great exercise for your back.
What is your favourite body part to train and what tips can you give to growing it?
Shoulders are my favourite body part to train. The best way I find to make them grow is your rep range, when it starts burning keep pushing and when you can’t anymore, then push some more.
What are some of your favourite shoulder exercises and training tips?
- Side Laterals
- Rear Delts on cable machine
- Dumbbell military press
- Spider crawls
- *Heavy weights aren’t always necessary, use lighter weights for correct form and push the reps.
Do you like and incorporate other kinds of training activities or sports?
Can eating and sleeping count as that :p
What is the most common question you get asked?
How do I stay in condition???
- Consistency is key, find that balance and let your passion speak for it self.
Favorite Influential bodybuilders:
Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath.
Favorite Quote:
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”
Favourite female fitness icons:
Hattie Boyle and Dana Lynn Bailey.
Best piece of advice you ever received?
Hard work and discipline will always beat genetics.
Where can people get hold of you?
- Facebook: Wesley Robertson
- Email: Wesley[at]wesrobertson[dot]com
- Instagram: wesroberts0n_wffpro
Photography credits:
Fire Q and A:
Best bodybuilder in SA?
Most ripped guys physique in SA?
Morne Van den Berg.
SA lady with the most amazing abs?
The Nicest guy and girl fitness personality you know of in SA?
Most aesthetic fitness guy in SA?
Most aesthetic fitness girl in SA?
Alrieta De Wet.
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