Name: Logan Coleman
Age: 21
Height: 1.67 m
Current weight: 58 kgs
Current city: Johannesburg, South Africa
Occupation: Switch Playground Trainer, Freelance Make-up Artist

What made you get started with training and living a more healthy lifestyle?

I was always sporty in school and as I left school I felt something was missing so I decided to do my first Show (The Rossi Classic) with my Step Dad and I ended up doing well and lets just say, the bug had bitten and I couldn’t get enough of the stage.

I have always been around it as my mom and step dad competed and still do so having them to look up to and work with made this all possible.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Who has been your biggest influence in your life and how did they affect you?

Definitely my mom, she always pushed me and supported me with my sports which made me push myself to achieve nothing but the best. Watching her compete inspired me to compete and having her support through the tough diets and mental games we play on our minds during competing has made all of this possible.

Have you had any significant setbacks?

I’ve never had any major setbacks during competing but we all have those days where we lack motivation.

I deal with the lack of motivation by literally getting up and just doing it. I think of getting on that stage or failing in my career and not doing as well as I’d like and that lights a fire inside me. I am pretty tough on myself so I won’t let myself not give 100% to everything I do, whether its training, dieting or just work in general.

You get out what you put in.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Tell us a bit about your artistic background, and what you do:

I’ve always had a love for make-up and drawing in general and I wanted to make it a career. I do Make-up such as bridal, matric dances, evenings etc. but I furthered my 6 month studies to study prosthetic artistry, which is special effect make-up. It’s so amazing what you can create with make-up.

Is it a difficult field to get into (prosthetic artistry)?

It’s a difficult field to make a career out of as many of the special effects these days are done on CGI and it is a difficult skill to learn, as it takes a lot of work to make molds for your pieces but when you love something its worth the work and difficult times.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


What are your future plans?

My future plans are to build my own empire in the make-up industry as well as fitness industry. I want to build a bridge where they both link and where I can merge both of my passions into one.

Take us through an average day of yours: 

  • I wake up at 4 am and go to work at Switch Playground until 10 am.
  • I will then go home eat and study as I am currently studying nutrition.
  • Depending on the day I will do some make-up jobs else I will go train and then I will do my online diets for my online clients.
  • I will then go back to Switch around 5 pm and work at the last class.
  • Head back home at 7 pm and spend time winding down from the day.
  • My days vary and I work most weekends so I’m super busy.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet:

My body responds well with Carbs so I have a lot of carbs throughout the day, I believe in a well balanced diet to try keep it as healthy and constant as possible.

  • Meal 1: 50g Oats with 1 Scoop Whey
  • Meal 2: Chicken and basmati Rice
  • Meal 3: Mince and Spinach
  • Pre workout: Tin Tuna and an Apple
  • Post Workout: Cream of rice and whey
  • Meal 4: Fish and Salad
  • Before bed: 4 egg whites
  • Works out to 7 meals.

What are your top Nutrition tips for staying healthy and gaining muscle?

  • High Protein.
  • High carbohydrate meals.
  • All clean carbs such as basmati rice, sweet potato.
  • Have your Greens.

Try have a balanced diet as too much of anything isn’t good. Also ensure you are having nothing less than 5 meals to keep your metabolism fast.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Do you count your calories? Do you think it is necessary?

No I don’t count my calories and I don’t think it is necessary but different things work for different people. I weigh all my proteins and carbs.

There’s a conception that leading a ‘fit and healthy and lean’ life has to be so strict and boring in terms of diet and training. Do you think people think this is true to achieve it? 

I don’t think it is true, I think to live the healthy lean life style can be quite fun and you can experiment with different recipes and training regimes as long as you are getting in the correct food.

Although, I do believe if you are doing it for stage then yes you have to be very strict but if it’s just a lifestyle you don’t have to be so extreme and can enjoy the smaller things in life.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Have you seen any common mistakes that ladies may make when trying to lose fat?

  • I think lots cut out carbs completely which I don’t agree with because as soon as you introduce carbs again your body holds onto it.
  • Another thing is lots of ladies want a quick fix and turn to fat burners which firstly work hand in hand with a correct diet as well as they mess with your thyroid which slows down your natural hormones making you struggle to lose weight once off the pills or struggle with weight loss the rest of your life.
  • I believe weight loss must be controlled correctly with someone who knows exactly what they are doing in terms healthy weight loss.

What process do you follow when it’s time to start getting ready for a competition/photoshoot? 

I eat clean all the time so I don’t really change my diet. I will take out my cheat meal which I have once a week and I will increase my cardio. If it’s a week away and I’m not 100% happy with how I’m looking I will decrease my carbs but still keep carbs in my diet.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training and on average how long do you workout for?

I train 6-7 times a week. I do heavy weights as I am constantly trying to gain muscle and I will then do 20-30 minutes of cardio after training. I used to split up my sessions and do cardio fasted in the morning but since I work early I do it all at once.

My weight session is anywhere between 45 minutes to 1 hour, it depends on what I’m training and how much time I have.

What are a few of your weight training tips for the ladies? And tips for the ladies venturing into the gym for the first time?

  • Don’t be scared of weight training, it’s not going to make you “big”.
  • Start off light until you are comfortable with the form and weight then start going up.
  • Make sure you know what muscles you are targeting when training and slow and steady wins the race.
  • The gym can be very intimidating at first but don’t let it make you feel like you shouldn’t be there. I sometimes have those days then I just say to myself do everything with confidence then no one will question what you are doing.
  • Lastly, if you are not sure how to use a machine or don’t understand the workout you are doing ask for help or google it to prevent injury.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


What are your essentials that are always in your gym bag?

I always carry my BCAAs, my ipod, my booty bands, sweat towel and a hoodie for after.

Do you advise using supplements, and do you use any yourself?

I do use supplements and advise supplements as they help the body and muscle recover. They also help reach your goals easier. I use bcaas, whey protein and L-Carnitine.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Do you have any fit fashion tips for the ladies or any specific gym fashion trends that you love?

I love a good crop and high waisted tights however I never wear it. I’m also loving the long sleeve flowy tops. Try dressing practically and comfortable because you are there to train and don’t need to be worrying about how you are looking constantly.

And for the guys? 

Guys should wear tank tops but I don’t think the super tight ones look nice, also tights could look nice if they have good enough legs, but guys please wear a long enough shirt to cover up.

I do like it when a guy wears a baggy T-shirt like super old school I think that looks good too.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


What are your 3 favourite exercises?

  1. I love side raises for you shoulders because I like the feeling I get and because when I started training I really struggled at it.
  2. I also like glute weighted thrusts as it’s good for all round glutes, and I mean all girls now want good glutes.
  3. I also like squatting because it’s an all round good workout. It uses almost every part of your legs and I’ve seen massive changes in my legs from squatting.

Which body part is your favourite to train and what are some of your tips and favourite exercises to training it?

My favorite body part is legs and glutes.

  • I train heavy weights.
  • I love glute cable kickbacks, glute thrusts, squats, dead lifts and laying hamstring curls.

Do you do a lot of cardio with your training?

I do 20-30 minutes of cardio everyday after my weight training and sometimes do Switch Classes which is a HIIT workout.

Favorite female fitness icon(s):

Lauren Simpson is my ultimate icon.


One On One With Switch Playground Trainer And Freelance Make-up Artist, Logan Coleman


Favorite Quote:

“Work Hard Stay Humble.”

What is the most common question you get asked?

How did I get my bum or how can I get your bum.

My Answer is a lot of squats and glute training.

Where can people get hold of you? 

Photography credits:


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