ARMS Training And Tips With WBFF Pro, Marco Araujo


What are your 3 best go to biceps exercises?

  1. Wide Grip Barbell curls
  2. Incline dumb bell curls
  3. Hammer Curls

Which is the most overrated biceps exercise in your opinion?

Cable curls.

And the most underrated one?

Preacher Curls.

What are your top 3 tips when training your biceps?

  • Form.
  • Keeping the tension on the bicep.
  • Get a weight that’s heavy enough to do 10 comfortable curls and the last 2-3 reps need to be a challenge.

In your opinion, which is the most common biceps exercise that people do incorrectly? And how can they fix it?

Standing barbell curls, I see this done incorrectly EVERYDAY.

Everyone wants to pick up the heaviest weights but they completely lose the form, they swing, they use momentum to lift the weight, they introduce many other secondary muscles to help lift the weight and put A LOT of strain on the back.

My advice is go lighter; go through the full range of motion, not losing the tension on the bicep at any given time. Mind to muscle connection is very NB in this game.

What are some common mistakes people make when training their biceps?

  • Bad form
  • Swinging
  • Using momentum to lift the weights which leads to you introducing secondary muscles and putting a lot of strain on the back.

Read Marco’s Full Interview HERE.

ARMS Training And Tips With WBFF Pro, Marco Araujo


What are your 3 best go to triceps exercises?

  1. Skull Crushers
  2. Rope pull downs
  3. Single arm extensions

Which is the most overrated triceps exercise in your opinion?

Dumb bell kick backs.

And the most underrated one?

Bench dips.

What are some common mistakes people make when training triceps?

Going to heavy and using their traps to push down the weights and not keeping their shoulders back at all times.

What are your top tips when training your triceps?

  • Elbows always tucked into the side.
  • Keep shoulders pulled back.
  • Feet shoulder width apart and back straight.
  • FORM.

What does a typical arm workout look like for you?

Biceps: (s/s = superset)

  1. 2 sets of Warm Up: Wide grip curls 15 reps s/s with narrow grip curls
  2. 4 sets, 12 reps seat bicep curls.
  3. 4 sets, 12 reps hammer curls.
  4. 4 sets, 12 reps preacher curls, last set being a drop seat.


  1. 2 sets of Warm up- 15-20 reps dips, thumbs over the bar to target triceps
  2. 4 sets Skull crushers.
  3. 4 sets EZ bar cable push downs s/s Rope push down
  4. 4 sets Over head Extensions.

ABS Training And Tips With WBFF Pro, Marco Araujo!

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