Drinking your calories

Are you one of those people that, at restaurants you find yourself always ordering a drink with your meal, like the meal would not be complete without a drink? Did you know that most of those drinks that you order are full of calories and sugar which you could do without?

So many people trying to lose weight, get into training and eating right and then mess it up by drinking all the wrong things too often. Drinking drinks such as beer, coke, other fizzy drinks and even fruit juices can add a lot of extra unwanted calories which could see your fat loss efforts come to a screeching halt or at least get delayed.

Some people order fruit juice thinking that they are being healthy, but the truth of the matter is that even those fruit juices are full of sugar and preservatives.

You are much better off if its juice made straight from the fruit as in real orange juice squeezed from oranges with nothing else added. These juices still have fructose and sugar but they also contain vitamins and minerals as well as fibre, so having them now and then is not such a bad thing.

Just remember that when wanting to lose fat it is a good idea to minimise these drinks as much as possible.

Not to say you should just cut all drinks out of your life immediately, but at least start to cut down on them. Once in a while is fine, but if you cannot go without a drink while you eat every meal then you really should rethink your eating strategy here or you should start to replace those drinks with a glass of water.

A few examples of the calorie contents of some popular drinks:

sugar soft drinks table

One of the easiest ways to cut down on calories is to cut out all the extra drinks you have. Think about it, whenever you go to a restaurant and you order a coke for example, that’s +-140 calories just from the drink alone not to mention all  of it is pretty much pure sugar!

Wouldn’t you rather eat your calories than waste them on empty calories from fizzy drinks?

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