Being overweight or having excess body fat is not simply the issue; the problematic part is the complications that it can bring along – diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, etc. The difficulty is not just about losing weight but the time and efforts, which require a long term commitment and consistency.

Proper and healthy eating habits and exercising can help, but you also need to understand and believe that there’s no “overnight solution” to shedding those layers of fat. Understanding the how we put on fat also plays a role, in simple words, it’s the excessive calories, more than what the body needs, which contributes to weight gain. 

So here are 7 simple, but effective weight loss tips for women that I have come across, to get you started!


1. Keep it Healthy, Green and Fresh

Make your kitchen healthier, switch the ingredients with organic and lighter options like switching from refined oil to extra virgin olive oil, the possibilities are endless. All you need to do is replace the traditional ingredients with healthier alternatives. Avoid keeping sweet things and cakes in your fridge, instead, fill it up with veggies, salads and more greens and more color. You can even pick fancy containers and fill them up with dried beans and whole grains, as a reminder to your aim.


A Quick Look At The Oranjezicht City Farm Market, Cape Town


2. Always Keep Some Go-To Snack Handy

This means you should have your snacks ready whenever you are on the go! Keep a pack of nuts or dry fruits with you always, it balances the appetite and makes you feel energized, and with lesser food cravings. Dates, almonds, and walnuts can be a great option for weight loss, even a handful of roasted nuts can be really helpful and can make you feel full when you’re hungry.

3. Have a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast, not just healthy but one which feels and looks like a feast! Your breakfast is what keeps you going throughout the day, so have fibers and vegetables. Try making a quesadilla with avocados and low-fat dairy cheese and you’ll feel full for longer. Take mid breaks with green juices and nuts, have a light dinner at least 4 hours before sleeping. And yes, don’t forget to take a stroll after dinner.


cashew nuts


4. Stop Midnight Munching

Your dinner and your next day’s breakfast should ideally have a 12 hours gap, that’s the time required by our body to digest our meals. Midnight munching adds on to the existing process, and since there’s a lack of physical activity, the food can turn to fat.

5. Ear Stapling?

It may or may not work, but the chances are it will, ear piercing for weight loss has worked for many, there are various points and specifically the point “zero” is what targets the weight loss, this technique is also used under acupressure and seems somewhat effective. It suppresses your diet, but you need to be strong to take that cartilage pain.

6. Flip That

Take out the larger plates for salads and keep the smaller ones for dinner, also the smaller glasses for juices and the larger ones for waterhydration is the key! Drink at least a glass full of water before dinner and avoid water for at least 30 minutes after your dinner.

7. Do This and Not That

  • Instead of juicing your fruits, eat them raw, this adds more fibers than sugars.
  • Live life in small packages, keep the large packets away.
  • Take food in smaller quantities than you usually do.
  • Don’t take your car, instead go walking.


Stop Skimping On Your Sleep, Gains Are Made When You Maximise On Your Downtime


A few changes can help you manage your weight goals. Also, the most important part is to keep your stress levels in check, don’t overthink and sleep on time. Avoid thinking that it’s a diet or you’re doing it specifically for your weight loss, and instead choose this as your lifestyle and you’ll notice things changing quicker than before.


Author Bio:

Emylee  is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.

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