One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Quick Stats

Name: Natasha Martens
Age: 24
Height: 1,78 m
Competition weight: 54 Kgs (last comp)
Current weight: 55 Kgs
Current City: Durban, South Africa

Have you always lived a fit lifestyle? How did you get started?

I’ve always lived an active lifestyle. I did a lot of sport in high school. My matric year I struggled a bit with my weight. That’s proof that exercise is not enough and nutrition is key.

My 2nd year out of school I started to try and get into the fit lifestyle. I started Rishape classes and ever since then I have always tried to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. I’m only human so I’ve had my ups and downs when it comes to dieting and training.

This is a journey and you must embrace all of the experiences to truly understand your body and how it works.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Do you think genetics plays a major role in building a star physique?

Genetics do play a big role, but at the end of the day your training and most importantly your diet carries more weight in how you end up looking.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

What are your future plans?

I’m busy prepping for NABBA World Champs that is taking place on the 7th November 2015. Next year I would like to compete in the IFBB fitness bikini division. I have found my passion here.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Take us through an average day of yours:

  • 06:00 | Wake up eat breakfast
  • 07:00 | Meal Prep
  • 08:00 – 10:00 | Cardio + abs
  • 12:00 – 13:00 | Focused area training (abs and glutes)
  • 15:00 – 17:00 | Weight Training + cardio
  • 17:30 – 19:30 | RISHAPE CLASSES
  • 20:00 | Meal Prep
  • 22:00 | Bed Time


One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet, pre comp and during off season:

What you put in your body will control how you look. You can’t cheat your diet. I try to avoid all dairy and sugar products as my body does not digest it properly. I have learned that you eat to grow and a treat shouldn’t be eaten everyday – that why it’s called a treat. I’ve also learnt that if you are prepared you won’t cheat on your diet.

You need to get to know your body and what works with it and what doesn’t. Don’t ever starve yourself, the more healthy meals you eat, your metabolism will jump start and soon you will be on the right track to a fit lifestyle.

What do you think are some of the most common myths about fitness/ fitness industry which people always get caught up with? 

  • There is no quick fix, its all about clean eating and training hard.
  • There is no shortcut; you have to put in the time and effort to see results.
  • Everything takes time.
  • Don’t look at other people’s progress and compare yourself and lose faith. Just keep doing your thing and soon you will be an inspiration to others.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

What are your top beginners eating tips when starting out and wanting to lose fat?


Just removing that from your daily diet will make a huge impact. Eat Fresh, fresh fruit, fresh veggies. Grilled not fried, look after your heart.

What does a typical training week look like for you? How do you structure your training programme?

I’m very lucky to have an amazing coach, Riaan Dohne that helps me every step of the way. I’m currently busy with comp prep, so my training is a lot more intense than what it usually would be.

Off Season:

Monday – Saturday (6 days a week): 40 minutes Cardio in the morning plus abs. Weight training in the afternoon.

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Legs
  • Tuesday: Biceps and Triceps
  • Thursday: Shoulders
  • Saturday: Back 

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Advice for girls starting out unsure of where to start with regards to putting a programme together?

Try and focus on two muscle groups per day. (Monday: Legs and Calves; Tuesday: Biceps and Triceps).

Start with 3 sets x 15 reps and increase as the weeks go by and your body gets use to the training. Don’t compare yourself with others, you are unique and that’s your advantage.

Which 3 training myths do you think most females fall prey to?

1. That starving yourself will make you skinny

It doesn’t work and you will end up gaining more weight once you eat normally again. Stay away from sugar and you will see a huge difference without changing anything else.

2. Relying on fat burners

No fat burner can make you lose weight if you don’t put in the work. Get moving baby girl 🙂

3. That lifting weights will make you look like a man

A combination of weight training and cardio won’t make you bulky, you will be toned.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

What other forms of training do you enjoy doing besides the conventional gym training?

On my weekends I try and change up my training, I do RISHAPE classes on the weekend. It’s very similar to cross fit, combine’s short periods of cardio with high intensity weight training. It’s so much fun, I would recommend it to everyone.

What are your 3 favourite exercises?

I love training abs and shoulders.

  •  Hanging leg raises 
  •  Bent over side raises
  • Arnold press

Favourite male fitness icon(s) bodybuilders?

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Legend.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Favourite Female fitness icon(s)?

Andreia Brazier and Janut Layug.

What is the most common question you get asked?

Can anyone compete?

Of course, don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do anything. If it’s something you really want, start putting a plan into action, and remember everything takes time.

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Favourite quote:

“Fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail” ~ Benjamin Franklin.

What is some of the things you see people do I the gym which should be avoided?

  • Bad Form, keep to lighter weights and concentrate on contracting the muscle and then slowly release.
  • Don’t rush through your workout, enjoy it. FEEL THE BURN!

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Advice for someone entering their first competition?

Stick to your diet and listen to your coach. If you believe in yourself you can do anything.

What competitions have you competed in?

  •  NABBA Provincial KZN | Fitness Bikini O/163cm | 3rd
  • NABBA SA Championships | 1st
  • W.F.F. Worlds | W.F.F Sportsmodel O/163m | 1st & Pro Card

One On One With Up and Coming Nabba Fitness Bikini Champ, Natasha Martens

Where can people contact you?

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