Name: Juliana Carvalho
Age: 22
Height: 1.63 m
Current weight: 63 kg
Current City: Manhuaçu-MG, Brazil
Profession: Personal trainer, business woman and nutrition student.

Have you always lived a fit life? How did you start?

No, I started training at the age of 14. I was super thin, and that was the reason that led me to the gym and to change my lifestyle.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


How do you keep yourself motivated and consistent throughout your training and eating?

Seeing the changes in my body has always been my biggest motivation, and seeing that several people who inspire me every day. I know that the change only depends on me, that’s why I do my best every day. Some days it can be hard and I have thought about quitting several times, but I see where I started and where I am now, and it motivates me a lot.

What are your future plans?

I intend to return to the stage this year, to compete in the Wellness category again. Professionally, I want to finish my second college degree and open my instructional office.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


Take us through your normal day: 

  • I wake up every day at 5:15 am, drink my coffee and get ready to work.
  • I teach from 6:00 am to 11:00 am.
  • 11:00 am is the time I booked for my training, training from Monday to Saturday.
  • At 13:00 I come back to my appointments and I go until 7:00 PM
  • I go to college and I stay until 22:00.
  • I come home, I fix all my meals for the next day and I go to sleep.

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet:

  • My current diet consists basically of 7 meals.
  • Carbohydrate options I use: rice, oats and fruits.
  • Protein: Whey, eggs, red meat and fish.
  • Fats: Cashew and peanut paste.
  • Salad at will during the day.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


How do you deal with cravings when you are following a strict diet?

It happens several times and I have a thought: It will pass.

What are your top nutrition tips for keeping lean?

Balance. Find something you can do for a long time as there is no point in adopting a very restricted diet that you will be frustrated with and give up.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


Do you weigh all your foods and track the numbers when it comes to calories from everything you eat? Do you think this is necessary?

I weigh everything. It’s a cool way to see what we need for our consumption. Many people eat less than they need to and are unaware of it. People looking for a specific physique condition need to weigh their food in my opinion.

Which supplements do you most enjoy using? What can you recommend for beginners?

Whey, creatine, pre workout, omega3, glutamine, caffeine.

Without a doubt the best supplement is creatine, but whey brings a lot of practicality in the diet.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training and, on average, how long do you train for and how many times a week?

My workouts last about 1 hour and have this division:

  • Monday – Legs
  • Tuesday – Shoulder
  • Wednesday – Back
  • Thursday – Leg II F
  • Friday – Upper Body
  • SaturdayIsolated gluteus

Do you do a lot of cardio with your training?

I currently do 30 minutes every day.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


What are your 3 favorite exercises and why?

Leg press, side lift and abductor chair.

These are exercises that I feel the most, where I can always see the evolution of my execution in relation to load, movement.

Do you think your genetics have given you such good legs or have you worked long and hard for them?

I was very thin so I link my development to my work and persistence.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


What do you love about strong thigh muscles and what are your favorite exercises and tips that develop your well-developed thigh muscles?

Train every day as if it were the last training of your life, do your best, if you want to have a visible change you need to work for it.

It is great to feel different from other people. Many people judge me and look at me with a strange look, but I am very happy with my legs, I think they are beautiful.

What advice and training tips would you give the ladies for getting strong and fit legs and a round booty? What exercises are good for them?

  • Insist and persist.
  • Do not listen to negative people
  • Look for good professionals. This last tip is very important, it makes a lot of difference to have a person to guide you.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


How do you measure your progress? And how many times?

I send weekly updates to my trainer through photos and videos.

Favorite female fitness models?

There’s a lot, but Franciele Mattos and Juju Salimeni are my biggest inspirations.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


Favorite quote:

“Work hard in silence and let your success make the noise.”

What is the most common question you have asked yourself about people and girls? 

How long it took me to have my physique. My answer is that I have been fighting for 8 years.


Brazilian Trainer And Business Woman, Juliana Carvalho


Have you entered any fitness competitions before? 

I have already competed in debutants’ camponato, I was overall in 2018 and I intend to return to the stage this year.



Can you give some advice to people who want to start training and live healthy?

It will take time, but it will be worth it. It is difficult and you will want to give up, but if you fall 80 times, get up 81 times.

Where can people contact you?



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