There are a lot of studies and views that show that exercising early in the morning is good for your mood. Having more energy, it eventually follows that you’ll function better and possibly even be more alert throughout the day. A few benefits of exercising in the morning could include increased overall muscle strength, weight maintenance, and reduced risk for chronic diseases.

Exercise enhances your mood, boosts your mental and physical health. It may also help you maintain healthy energy levels. You can use these morning exercises to kick off your day, whether you put a full workout together using them or just pick one or two exercises and rep them out.

Activities such as these can be incorporated into your daily routine, or you can do them at home without going to the gym.

Let’s Rise And Shine—And Stretch

Begin your daily routine with gentle stretches and dynamic stretches before moving on to other activities. Aside from enhancing flexibility and arthritis prevention, stretching exercises are also good for mobility and range of motion. You can either make them dynamic or static. You could also try do some stretches in the afternoon, especially after long, sedentary work periods. Light stretching and dynamic stretching increases spine flexibility and is excellent for warming up.


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1. Jumping Jacks

Extend your arms and legs while jumping. Return to your starting position and keep moving! You can start completing these for one minute and gradually increase to the number of repetitions you’re comfortable with. Jumping jacks work multiple muscles and increase the heart rate when done with control.  Remember that this exercise is one part of a HIIT workout training; if you ever want to accelerate your workout level, you can find more information here.

2. Stance Leg Squat

Stand so that your feet extend out a bit from your hips. In front of you, your arms are outstretched. When you get to a 90-degree angle, you should lower yourself like you do when seated. You can continue to go down if you want to. You should then return to your original starting position.

Repeat 15 times for 2 sets for beginners. This involves not just the legs but also the hips and knees. Squats will strengthen your lower body and core and increase your flexibility in your lower back, hips, and shoulders. In addition to the fact that they engage some of the body’s largest muscles, they also burn significant amounts of calories.

3. Lunges

Balance exercises such as lunges are an essential part of any regimen that focuses on the whole body. In addition to strengthening your legs, lunges can also promote functional movement.

Standing shoulder-width apart, with your arms down by your sides, place both hands on your hips. Take a step forward on your right leg, keeping your body straight, and bend your left knee while doing so, stopping when your thigh is parallel to the floor. You should make sure that your right leg doesn’t extend past your right foot. Put your right foot down and return to your initial starting position. 


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4. Burpees

Before you go into more advanced home workout training, try doing burpees as these are also a bit more intense than the other exercises mentioned here. Despite being disliked by many, burpees are one of the most efficient whole-body moves for cardiovascular endurance and muscle development strength.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Start by squatting down with your hands out in front of you. Once your hands land on the ground, immediately push yourself upright into a push-up position. You can bend at the waist while leaping up your feet to your palms. Put your feet as close as possible to your hands, extending them outside your hands if necessary. Step up straight, stretching your arms over your head, then jump. 

5. Push-Ups

An elevated version of your regular push-ups can make it easier for you if you’re not as strong at first. Using the push-up exercises to work all your upper body muscles (chest, shoulders, and triceps), you’ll develop the strength to lift heavier dumbbells and barbells.

Get into a plank position. The core should be tightened, shoulders pushed back, and your neck should be neutral. Lower yourself to the floor with tucked and bent elbows. When your chest reaches it, extend your elbows and return to the starting position. You must keep your elbows closest to your body as possible during the movement. 


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6. Planks

This exercise is an excellent way to target your abs, core, and entire body. While planking, you stabilize your core without straining your back.

Start in a push-up position, leaving your hands and toes firm on the ground, back straight, and core tight. You should keep your chin tucked and focus your gaze in front of your hands. Make sure that your abs, shoulders, triceps, glutes, and quads are all engaged throughout your entire body as you take deep, controlled breaths.

Get started

The reward of exercising regularly comes in more energy, better sleep, and a greater sense of well-being. Make sure your workout and fitness routine is as simple as possible so that you’ll enjoy it and do it consistently at the start of your day.  


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