Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

 Quick Stats

Name: Cameron Young
Age: 29
Height: 1.83 m
Competition weight: 90 kg
Current weight: 95 kg
Current city: Midrand, South Africa
Occupation: Personal Trainer & Co Owner of Gym Mob Nutrition

How long have you been training for and how did you get started?

I have been training for 4 years now. I come from a back ground where I used to play sports like rugby, athletics and cricket. So 4 years ago I decided to join a gym and to live a healthy lifestyle and as soon as I started seeing results, I was hooked. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

What do you love about it and how do you stay motivated?

I like the fact that I can share a passion with likeminded people and I love getting results.

My motivation comes from everyone that supports me, and supported me up to the point where I am now and obviously when you see results you get instant motivation.

What do you think is the key factor to losing fat?

The only way you will lose fat is when your diet is in check and to speed things up is cardio and lifting weights to burn those extra calories.

What are your future plans?

My next goal is to become a Pro so I am really working hard towards that goal. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

Take us through an average day of yours:

My days are never the same except when it comes to my food and training. I wake up early to drink coffee and to prep my food for the day, so that I can eat every 2 hours and I usually train at 4pm.

What would your tips be for someone who is relatively skinny and wants to pack on quality muscle?

My advice to someone that’s a hard gainer would be:

  • Make sure you eat every 2 hours.
  • Eat a decent amount of carbs and protein with each meal.
  • Make sure you train in a rep range of 8 – 12.
  • And focus on compound exercises such as squats, bench press and deadlifts. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet, pre contest and during the off season:

  • I don’t mind eating the same food over and over, so I will eat the same meal every 2 hours.
  • Off season I eat clean but higher in calories.
  • Pre contest the same but lower calories.
  • My meals usually consist of oats and protein shake, brown rice, chicken or lean mince and obviously veggies.

Do you believe in using supplementation?

Yes I do like to use supplements:

  • Protein shake – high in protein and low in carbs
  • Vitamin C
  • Omega 3
  • L-glutamine Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training and on average how long do you workout for?

  1. Mondays | Back

  2. Tuesdays | Chest

  3. Wednesdays | Legs

  4. Thursdays | Biceps and Triceps

  5. Friday | Shoulders

I never do the same thing, I always mix it up to keep my muscles guessing and I like to train up to an hour.

What are your top training tips?

If I can give one tip, that would be to find the body and mind connection and concentrate on each rep, don’t rush through a set and always focus on your technique to prevent injury and to benefit as much as possible. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

What are your three favourite exercises?

1. Squats

Best compound exercise to build big wheels.

2. Incline dumbbell press

As most guys struggle to build the upper part of chest.

3. Bicep curls

Love the pump.

Whats your take on abs and Obliques training to get a shredded midsection? How often, how many reps, sets etc would you recommend for ab training?

I would recommend training abs every other day with added weight.

If u want bigger abs you have to train them as any other muscle group (but most important thing would obviously be your diet).

I usually add weight and do as many reps as I can, for 2 exercises, 5 sets each. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

What are some of the weirdest/annoying things you have seen people do in the gym?

The most annoying thing that someone in the gym can do is to leave weights on the floor in the way of people training.

Please guys, if you pick them up to train you surely can put them away.

Favorite Influential bodybuilders/fitness icons:

I would have to say Sergi Constance, Jaco de Bruyn and Dean Mason. But then again I know that SA has some of the best! I know a few guys and even friends here in SA that will go far. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

Favorite Quote:

Persevere today, Achieve tomorrow.

Advice for someone wanting to get in shape and start competing?

My advice would be to start immediately! It does not matter if you are skinny or over weight.

If you decide to start today and put your mind into it 100%, you will achieve the body u desire and be an inspiration to someone else.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

What competitions have you competed in and your placings?

I only did my first competition in July with WBFF and placed 6th .

I would have liked to compete in the Rossi Classic, Body Beautiful and IFBB this year but due to an injury I can only compete again in the next shows coming. Interview With Up And Coming WBFF Athlete, Cameron Young

Where can people get hold of you?

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