Name: Khulekani Sibiya
Age: 35
Height: 1.78 m


Leg Workout And Some Of The Best Leg Training Tips From Khulekani Sibiya


 What are your 3 best go to Quad exercises?


Leg Workout And Some Of The Best Leg Training Tips From Khulekani Sibiya


What are your 3 best go to Hamstring/Glutes exercises?

  • Stiff leg deadlift

    Lower back, hamstrings and glutes development.

  • Lying leg curls

    This focuses on the knee-flexor function of the hamstrings.

  • Reverse hyperextensions

    This works your glutes, hamstrings and lower back all at once.

Do you include both compound and isolation exercises or do you favour one type more?

Both compound and isolation exercises can serve a ton of different purposes in many different workout routines based on your goal and your physique.

For example, if my primary goal is improved performance or increased strength, then compound exercises will comprise the majority of my exercises i.e. 80% and 20% isolation exercise. However, if my primary goal is building muscle, fat loss and getting ripped especially on competition prep, majority of my training will comprise of isolation exercises i.e. 80% and 20% compound.

Important to note: I always recommend compound exercises for beginners and thus, isolation exercises needs to be kept at a minimum or avoided completely for improved performance and increased strength.


Leg Workout And Some Of The Best Leg Training Tips From Khulekani Sibiya


How often do you train your Legs and do you do them on one day or split them up?

What I’ve noticed is that if you train for instance quads and then follow with hamstrings in one session, you will have little energy left to target hamstrings especially with the correct intensity and volume. Therefore, I prefer to split my legs up in two different sessions i.e. a dedicated session for quads and another separate session for hamstrings for hamstrings and glutes.

I have also opted to train at least one of these muscle group over the weekend when I have the time and more energy, also, I match my training volume and intensity between these two major upper leg muscle groups.


Leg Workout And Some Of The Best Leg Training Tips From Khulekani Sibiya


What are the few things you focus on when training your legs?

I am big believer of correct form in each and every exercise that I do especially for proper leg development. I would also incorporate drop sets, supersets, giant sets and squeezing each rep range in my leg workout.

As a finisher, I always do negative intensity and weight training workouts. The tip here to do all these exercises correctly, would be to get a partner who will push you to the limits and ensure you complete your workouts.

Finally, I ensure to stretch my legs and work deep into the fascia with a  foam roller or massage (if you can afford it) to loosen tight areas that can play into your quads, hammies, lower back and calves.


Leg Workout And Some Of The Best Leg Training Tips From Khulekani Sibiya


What does a typical Leg workout look like for you?

Here is my typical leg workout:

Leg Workout 1: superset each of the two exercises with 30 to 60 seconds rest in between them.

  • 5 sets x 15 reps of lying leg curls | 75 reps
  • 5 sets x 15 reps of leg extensions | 75 reps


  • 5 sets x 15 reps of hacklift squats | 75 reps
  • 5 sets x 15 reps of stiff leg deadlifts | 75 reps


  • 5 sets x 15 reps of seated/standing leg curls | 75 reps
  • 5 sets x 15 reps of good mornings | 75 reps


  • 5 sets x 10 reps of walking barbell / dumbbell lunges in each leg | 100 reps/paces
  • 5 sets x 15 reps of leg press | 75 reps


  • Calves: I superset all exercises for 3 sets of 20 reps

Leg workout 2: this exercise routine is done once a month to shock the system.

  • 4 sets of Leg extensions (50 reps) x lying leg curl (20 reps) x stiff leg deadlift (15-20 reps)
  • 3 sets of leg extensions (drop sets of 10 reps)
  • 2 sets of leg extensions (negative intensity i.e. 4 sec count down of 20 reps)
  • 3 sets of leg press (100 reps)
  • 1 set of no hesitation squats as a finisher (100 reps split in 25 reps with a max of 15 seconds rest in between)
  • Calves: I superset all exercises for 3 sets of 20 reps


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