Kirsten Allnutt's Leg And Ab Training Secrets And Tips!

What are your top 3 tips when training your legs?

  1. Superset!
  2. Keep the heart rate up, do some cardio/HIIT in between sets.
  3. Train heavy!

What are your 4 favourite leg exercises?

  1. Leg press
  2. Stiff Legged Deadlift
  3. Barbell squats
  4. Sumo Deadlifts

Kirsten Allnutt's Leg And Ab Training Secrets And Tips!

In your opinion, which is the most common leg exercise that people do incorrectly? And how can they fix it?

Deadlifts. Oh my word. I think this is a dangerous exercise to do if you do not have the form correctly.

SO much can go wrong. Make sure you stick your bum out and keep your back straight. Shoulders back as well and then the big squeeze when you come up at the end on the glutes.

Kirsten Allnutt's Leg And Ab Training Secrets And Tips!

What does a typical Leg workout look like for you?

I do not train them at the moment or do a lot anymore. I mainly train hamstrings and glutes.

  • German Volume Training on the hamstrings with Good Mornings
  • SL deadlift
  • Lying leg curls
  • Unilateral Leg press
  • Step ups
  • Glute bridges
  • Hip thrusters
  • Abductor machine
  • Kickbacks

What are your top 3 tips when training your ABs?

  1. Keep the pace up – small rests.
  2. Do not stop when its burning keep going until you completely fail.
  3. Make sure you work a variety of different areas of the abs.

Kirsten Allnutt's Leg And Ab Training Secrets And Tips!

What are your 3 favourite ab exercises?

  1. Leg raises
  2. Planks
  3. Mountain climbers

How often do you work your abs?

Once a week.

Kirsten Allnutt's Leg And Ab Training Secrets And Tips!

Read Kirsten’s Full interview!

What does a typical AB workout look like for you?

Honestly, I do not train abs a lot because abs are not a feature in bikini that they want so much. They want more lines than blocks so weighted crunches, jack knives, planks, ab compressions, leg raises.

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