Leg Training Tips Plus Full Leg Workout by Dr. Kim Bishop!

What are your 3 best go to Quad/thigh exercises?

  1. Sumo Squats
  2. Reverse Hack Squats
  3. Jump squats

What are your 3 best go to Hamstring/Glute exercises?

  1. Cable Kickbacks
  2. Ski jumps
  3. Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlifts

Leg Training Tips Plus Full Leg Workout by Dr. Kim Bishop!

Do you utilize much isolation leg exercises or mostly compound exercises?

I definitely use both compound and isolation exercises.

What are your top 3 tips when training your glutes?

I train my glutes by doing tons of cable kickbacks, adductors and ski jumps a week. It’s the only way to get in as many reps as possible.

Leg Training Tips Plus Full Leg Workout by Dr. Kim Bishop!

In your opinion, which is the most common leg exercise that people do incorrectly? And how can they fix it?

I would say the squat is most often done incorrectly. It’s a deep movement which most people don’t really do and it’s a squeeze at the top.

Usually because people squat way to heavy than they can actually manage and end up compromising on form. A little less weight, take it almost to the floor, remove all the weight from the bar immediately after that last working set and crank out a drop set straight after to really feel the burn.

What are some common mistakes girls make when training their legs that you are aware of?

Well to be honest I think most girls don’t train their legs enough. One should always try to increase their repertoire of leg movements.

There are so many highly effective leg exercises so it’s all about finding what works for your physique and gives the best results.

Leg Training Tips Plus Full Leg Workout by Dr. Kim Bishop!

Read kim’s full interview!

What does a typical Leg workout look like for you?

My typical Leg Day:

  • A small prayer first( ok just kidding)
  • 5 min warm up on the stepper or treadmill incline first
  • Leg Press
  • Dumbbell sumo squat
  • Lying Leg curl superset with ski jumps
  • Hip Thrusts
  • Cable kickbacks
  • Bike sprints superset with walking lunges
  • Then I lay on the floor next to the bike for 5 minutes before crawling back downstairs :p

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