Protein is a nutrient that our body needs every day, moreover, it is incredibly essential for our overall health. A relatively high-protein diet has a lot of benefits including muscle building, weight loss, and feeling fuller after eating.

A lot of research shows that a higher-protein diet is effective for weight loss, as it can help avoid overeating, and it can help build lean muscle that in turn helps in burning calories. This article will help you take a look at protein’s beneficial effects for your weight loss journey.

Protein Helps In Appetite And Fullness

Following a relatively high-protein diet can help you avoid hunger and cravings. Protein-rich food slows down digestion and helps suppress hunger and appetite for hours after eating. This is due to the fact that they influence the production of hormones like PYY and GLP-1. PYY and GLP-1 are hormones that lessen our body’s ghrelin levels, which is known as the “hunger hormone.” If you feel full and satisfied, you may find it easier to reduce your food intake to help your weight loss efforts.


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Protein Promotes Muscle Repair & Growth  

In our weight loss journey, we tend to forget that losing weight can make us lose not only fat but also muscles. As seen in an article debunking myths about protein by Healthy Land, high protein intake promotes muscle repair and growth. Aside from muscle development, proteins help produce and develop various components including bones, tendons, hair, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes.

Moreover, the combination of high protein consumption and heavy strength training is an effective fat loss plan. 

Protein Boosts Metabolic Rate

The higher the protein you consume, the higher the number of calories you burn. Based on studies digesting protein can boost your metabolic rate as high as twenty to twenty-five percent. Consuming carbohydrates or fat can only increase your metabolic rate by five to fifteen percent. Protein has a higher “thermic effect of food” or TEF (which is the energy used to turn food into tiny and absorbable components) compared to carbs and fat. If you want to burn more calories around the clock, higher protein intake can undoubtedly boost your metabolism even when you are resting. 


High Protein, Healthy Banana & Egg Waffles Recipe


Protein Can Slow Down Sugar Absorption

Although the reason why protein does not increase blood glucose levels is somewhat unclear, studies show that carbohydrates that are eaten together with protein can cause a slow, steady rise in blood sugar due to lowering the GI of the carbohydrate source. It can help avoid spikes in blood sugar and can carve your sugar cravings

Vegan Protein Rich Food

There are plenty of sources of protein that we may already know of, but for people who are vegan or vegetarian, they can opt for protein alternatives such as:

  • Tempeh
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Soybeans
  • Chick peas
  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Chia Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Peanut Butter

Debunking the famous myth, you can get your daily requirement of protein from plant-based proteins. 


The Vegan Goods Market At The Source Yoga Studio In Cape Town


How Much Protein Do You Need?

Protein requirements may vary from one individual to another. The commonly recommended range of protein intake for both males and females is 0.8 to 1.0 grams per pound of weight (in kilograms) or 0.36 to 0.45 grams per pound of body weight. This is just the minimum and can vary depending on certain factors. You can use a protein calculator to help you calculate the amount you need. 

How to Maintain a High-Protein Diet?

You can maintain a higher protein diet by doing a bit of research and experimenting. Choose high-quality protein sources and consume a small portion of protein in each meal. It would also help if you keep a food diary and, at the same time, eat well-balanced meals. 

One important thing to remember is following a higher-protein diet by itself will not help you in your weight loss journey. You still need to do the necessary steps to help you lose weight healthily, such as consume less calories than you expend and ensure daily exercise or movement is done.

Lastly, make sure that you are comfortable with your diet and you are not causing any harm to your body and yourself. Your progress can still be called a victory even though it is gradual. As the famous phrase goes, slowly but surely! 


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