What are your 3 best go to biceps exercises?
- Preacher curls
- Standing straight bar curls
- Seated dumbbell curls
In that order.
What are your top 3 tips when training your biceps?
- Focus on the burn.
- Slow reps.
- Squeeze at the top(end of each rep).
What are some common mistakes people make when training their biceps?
They use their back as support, swaying and swinging when doing standing curls. If it’s too heavy go lighter and focus on form. Form is everything in gym.
What are your favourite add ons to biceps exercises?
I prefer drop sets.
What are your 3 best go to triceps exercises?
- Dips.
- Tricep push downs.
- Dumbbell kickbacks.
In that order.
What are some common mistakes people make when training triceps?
They forget to lock their elbows and half reps. So they do not extend and lock all the way.
Do you train triceps on their own or what do you usually group them with?
I like to train biceps and triceps together in one workout once a week. Then another day in the same week triceps will be my secondary workout, either to chest or back.
What is your secret to shredded abs and the incredible V line?
Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be a secret anymore 😉
How often do you train your abs?
3 times a week.
Twice being light and high reps on one exercise and once, a weighted training with various exercises.
How many exercises/sets/reps do you recommend when targeting just abs?
High reps all the way!!
- Crunches, 4 x 30
- Rope crunches 4 x 30
- Side crunches 4 x 30
- Plank 4 x 60 seconds
Do you split the exercises to target different parts of your abs?
No I don’t I just target my entire core and stretch after my workout.
Do you recommend adding weight when training abs?
Yes I do.
What does a typical ab workout look like for you?
I always start with crunches; I aim for 120-150 crunches for the first exercise. Usually broken down into sets of 25-30 with minimal rest in between sets.
Then I do rope crunches, I like this exercise. Focus on the burn. Sets of 25-30 increasing the weight with each set for 4 sets at least. I like to do 6 or 7 sets.
- Then I stretch for 2 minutes.
- Then I plank for 4 sets, 4 x 60 seconds.
- Then I do machine crunches, weighted. 4 x 20 increasing weight with each set.
- Then I stretch for 5 minutes and I’m done.
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