Juan Smith shares some important leg training tips as well his leg workout at the end!

Read Juan’s full interview!

Leg Training And Tips With Juan Smith!

What are your 3 best go to overall leg exercises?

  1. Squats
  2. Leg press
  3. Lunges

What are your top 3 tips when training your Quads?

Quads are a very strong muscle and for me it works better doing more reps then going heavy but this differs from person to person. Find out what works for you.

BUT every leg session I have I try and push myself to my limit, thats for sure.


Leg Training And Tips With Juan Smith!

Which is your favourite hamstring exercise?

Jefferson squats.

How often do you train your legs and do you do them alone or group it with other muscles or split them?

  • Wednesday: Quads and calves
  • Saturdays: Hamstrings and calves


Leg Training And Tips With Juan Smith!


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