The annual Miss SA Xtreme show hosted by Nina Richter, took place on the 28th of September 2019, this time in Cape Town in South Africa! Below are some photos of the event I managed to take at the Pre-Judging.
The images below are all low res images, and are not ALL the photos taken. If you would like a link to all the images in high res, please send an email to thefitnish[at] or send me a message on Instagram and I’ll share the link with you once they’re all up.
And Congrats to all the competitors that competed!
Mens 1
Mens 2
Ladies 1
Ladies 2
Mens 3
Ladies 3
Ladies 4
Ladies 5
Ladies 6 Over 35
Ladies Wellness
Mens Classic
Mens Physique
Mens Physique
Mens Physique
Mens 4
Ladies 8
Mens Bodybuilding 5
In the crowd: