interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

Quick stats

Name: Jesse Pretorius
Age: 20
Height: 1.80 m
Competition weight: 84 kgs
Current weight: 100 kgs
Current city: Johannesburg, South Africa
Occupation: Student

How did you get started so young?

I played school cricket, rugby and did athletics. I trained to get an edge over my competition and I then saw a massive change in my body and wanted to further this progress. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

What do you love about it and how do you stay motivated?

I think about how far I’ve come in the 6 years I’ve been training, and how much further I can progress if I continue to show the same fortitude I have in previous years.

I love seeing results and every sacrifice amalgamate into results.

How long was it from when you started training in the gym to competing in your first show? And what made you enter?

I started training when I was 13 years old but not seriously. The following year after seeing results of gyming 3 times a week, I decided to put my head down and train 6 times a week.

My first show was when I was 18 and this was in my final year of school. So roughly 5 years of training. I entered the Nabba Provincials after watching Wbff 12 weeks prior. This motivated me so I decided to give it a try. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

What was it like becoming a WBFF Pro and one of the youngest?

It was an out of body experience, and such an amazing event. It hadn’t sunk in until I went to gym the following day and people started asking me if I was Jesse. I wasn’t used to this and was slightly uncomfortable… still am I guess.

Being younger than the rest doesn’t feel much different as I feel anything can be achieved with a killer mindset.

What are your future plans?

I am currently prepping for Wbff Worlds in August. This will be held in Toronto, Canada. I am currently studying at the University of Pretoria and I have no clue what career path I want to go into as of yet. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

When is your next competition and how is the preparation coming?

As stated above, the Prep is going extremely well, currently just finished my bulk and I am starting my cut.

What are your top nutrition tips to gain muscle?

Eat more food!!

What process do you follow when its time to start getting ready for a competition?

  • I carb cycle. This helps me stay anabolic while burning fat.
  • I implement a higher intensity training program.
  • I train fasted in the morning and then train again in the evening with my pre and post workout meals.
  • My carbs are also focused around my evening workouts. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

Take us through an average day of yours:

  • Wake up: Train fasted.
  • During the day go to class.
  • Evening: Workout again then prep meals for following day.

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet:

  • Focus on Pre-workout nutrition.
  • Don’t miss out on life, eat out and enjoy your life just be smart about it. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

What do you normally eat before and after training?

  1. 45 min-1 hour Pre workout: I have 12 egg whites and 50g oats.
  2. Intra workout: Evox cre-8 mass reload.
  3. Post workout: 12 egg whites and 160g cooked white rice.

What are the toughest challenges that you experience while prepping for a show?

Going to all you can eat sushi and watching your friends eat while you eat egg whites. Other than that I enjoy prep too much to see negatives. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your training schedule:

If you can move after the workout you most certainly never trained hard enough.

Do you include much cardio in your training?

20 minutes a day max, during prep. On the bulk I don’t touch cardio.

What are your three favourite exercises and why?

1. Squat

Burns most calories and feels great!

2. Shoulder press

Just feels great.

3. Leg extentions

Love seeing my quads work lol. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

What tips and advice would you give for developing an overall symmetrical physique?

Don’t neglect any muscle group. Train your weaknesses every 72 hours.

What is the most common question you get asked?

How can I get abs?

  • My answer: Diet bro interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

Favorite Influential bodybuilders:

Dexter Jackson and Steeve Cooke.

Favorite Quote:

“This isn’t a mud hole son, this is an operating table and Im the surgeon.” ~ Batman

Favourite female fitness icons:

Nikki Blackletter. interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius

Best piece of advice you ever received?

Bro-science is a lie!

What are some things you see guys/girls doing wrong in the gym that you would like to see less of?

  • Not going past 90 degrees when you squat.
  • People with a high fat percentage only doing abs and sit ups etc.

What competitions have you competed in and your placings?


  • Nabba Provincials | Fitness model | 1st
  • Nabba Nationals | Fitness model | 1st interview With Fitness Model And WBFF Pro, Jesse Pretorius


  • Rossi Classic | 6th
  • Wbff SA | 1st and Pro card

Where can people get hold of you?

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