Many of us want to achieve fitness and great body shape but find the cost of getting a gym membership quite expensive for pursuing a sustained workout. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses, including commercial gyms, to temporarily cease operations or operate at a limited capacity. This development also paved the way for many workout programs and classes from various studios and trainers to be available online. It is enough reason for you to setup a gym at home and start a convenient fitness program for you. 

Get Your Gym Space Ready

Starting your home gym means you will need a space dedicated to your workout and exercise sessions. Your minimum gym space area should be at least 6 by 6 sq ft, which you can find from one of your unused rooms, your garage, basement, attic, or even your living room. This compact space requirement makes it possible for people living in apartments or condo units where square footage is limited. You might be thinking of immediately setting up a set of official gym equipment, but a reliable fitness equipment review site would recommend otherwise. Many reputable equipment review sites recommend starting with basic workout items and equipment to make your home gym setup simple and convenient.

Prepare Gym Equipment That You Need

Researching how to stock your home gym with basic stuff is just the first step in preparing your gym equipment. The next step is aligning your fitness needs with the equipment that you are about to set up. If your goal is cardio exercise, you can select different types of gym equipment that are designed for cardio workouts. If you want to undergo strength training, there are also gym equipment specially designed for this purpose.

You can also get a combination of cardio and strength training equipment if you want to do both workout types. Get your basic setup started with a yoga mat, skipping rope, resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, bench, and fitball as some of the recommended equipment.

Set Up and Organize Your Equipment

We mentioned before that you need at least 6 ft by 6 ft of square space, but you don’t have to limit yourself to that minimum space requirement. A good rule of thumb for a convenient gym setup is where you can freely move or extend your arms and legs in any direction, whether you are standing up or lying on the floor. Freedom of movement is essential for any workout or exercise so set up your movement-intensive equipment near the center of the room, while those that are used for unidirectional or bi-directional movements can be set up near the walls or corners.

Organizing your equipment with this in mind can help avoid clutter and keep you comfortable while performing your workout sessions.


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Integrate Your Storage Area

Storage is a key consideration for your home gym regardless of the number and size of equipment that you have.  Storing your equipment efficiently not only helps clear up your home gym space for easy cleaning but also helps keep your gym space safe. It also extends the usable period of your equipment. Your storage space needs to be organized for easy access, which is why you need to find a suitable location to designate as a storage area in your home gym.

Corner shelves and racks are ideal for storing dumbbells, kettlebells, weight plates, sandbags, slam balls, and other heavy items. A storage container is a neat and compact item you can use for storing small and portable gym equipment such as yoga mat, skipping rope, sliders, resistance bands, and other small items. If you want to maximize your home gym space, you can utilize the walls for setting a hanging organizer.

Add Other Important Items

Lighting is an essential factor in any room.  Your home gym is no exception, where you need to regularly keep an eye on your form. Having sufficient light within your home gym area also makes your workout comfortable and safe.

A mirror is also an essential addition to your workout space as it serves to distribute natural and artificial light across the room. More importantly, it helps monitor your form to get you to perform your exercises and workouts properly. Having a mirror can also help you keep track of your workout progress and motivate you to maintain or ramp your exercise or workout.


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Getting started with your home gym doesn’t need to be complicated. Securing a proper space, identifying your workout needs, and matching basic workout equipment with your workout needs are the fundamental steps in setting up your home gym. You don’t need anything fancy or grand in getting started. What matters are the comfort and practicality of your gym setup to get you motivated.


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