Category: Home Workout

5 Reasons To Add a Climbing Wall to Your Home Gym

Are you looking to add something different and exciting to your home gym to make it stand out? Why not an indoor rock climbing wall? Below, we list a few excellent reasons why fitness enthusiasts should add a climbing wall to their home gym! Unique and Fun Challenge First, are you tired of doing the […]

Working Out Without Gym, How To Work Out In Smaller Spaces

Most people understand that regular exercise is important for your overall health. Maybe you even consider yourself to be a fitness buff. But, if you don’t have access to a gym and you live in a smaller space, you might find it difficult to get in the workouts you really want. Or, maybe you’ve stopped […]

Kickboxing In Comfort: How To Create The Perfect At-Home Boxing Set-Up

Creating a space for a home boxing gym is simple, inexpensive, and will motivate you to train harder and more often in the comfort of your own house. The first step is measuring out your space and ensuring you have plenty of room for your workouts without colliding with a wall, hitting a ceiling fan […]

The Fit Five! 5 Exercises You Can Do At Home With Dumbbells

The definition of a fitness routine, workout, and getting in shape has changed over the years. Most of us work from home due to the ongoing pandemic, and things are not looking up. The outside world seems to be on pause, and we need to find ways to stay in shape while at home.  Are […]

How To Get The Best Barbell For Your Home Gym 

Barbells are one of the at-home gym equipment you should have if you’re looking to level up your strength training. If you have access to one, you can utilize it to perform compound or multi-joint exercises. It can also help you burn calories and build muscle mass. Certainly, a simple barbell home gym will make […]

Fantastic And Simple Tips To Make Your Home Workouts More Efficient

We’ve never been so collectively aware of our own health and well-being as we’ve been this past year. The combination of having to spend consecutively long periods of time at home along with the fear of getting sick has really been an eye-opening endeavor. The urge to stay healthy has become a consistent priority in […]

Some Of The Basics To Think About When Setting Up Your Own Home Gym

Many of us want to achieve fitness and great body shape but find the cost of getting a gym membership quite expensive for pursuing a sustained workout. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses, including commercial gyms, to temporarily cease operations or operate at a limited capacity. This development also paved the way for many […]

Tonal Vs Weela: Which One Is The Best Piece Of Equipment For Your Home Gym?

These days life is extremely busy, particularly in a culture that continues to shift toward more remote work and longer hours. This lifestyle makes it even more important than ever to keep personal health and fitness a top priority. To maintain the healthiest lifestyle possible, it is vital to establish consistent exercise routines. For some, […]

How To Equip Your Home Gym Without Overspending

The 9 to 5 grind has put all of us into an inactive lifestyle where we mostly spend our days sitting and confined to a desk all day long. Thankfully, there are many ways to get fit, and many great pieces of home gym equipment such as kettlebells that we can use to stay fit, […]