Quick Stats
Name: Jeanine Kilian
Age: 24
Competition weight: 48kg
Current weight: 50kg
Current city: Witbank, South Africa
Occupation: System Administrator Xstrata and Entrepreneur
Why do you follow this ‘training’ lifestyle?
Its my passion and my dream! There’s more to gym than just exercise!
What competitions have you competed in and your placings?
- Ifbb Mpumalanga Novice Championships, Beach Bikini,1st
- Nabba Pretoria Classic, Bikini
Tell us a bit about your experience leading up to your first competition, where you placed first!
I was a runner for a long time and wanted a new challenge so I started to gym. I wanted to compete last year but was sick with a histamine allergy and overcame it this year, winning my first competition. My friend Jenine Van Der Merwe gave me stage training and helped me with my diet and exercise.
We are now helping girls in our hometown with stage prep and giving them the motivation to never quit.
I’m so excited to be where I am now. A real dream come true! I love the sport and just want to better myself every day.
What are your future plans?
I’m going to compete in the WBFF in July, then after that I want to compete in Natal for SA’S. I really want to inspire and help a lot of people.
Take us through an average day of yours:
- I wake up at 3:45 to go to gym
- I’m at work from 6 am
- Leave work at 3 pm
- The rest of my day is made up of meal planning and shopping for my diet
- Stage training (before a show)
- Bed at 9 pm
What’s your favorite healthy meal which you eat even during your contest prep?
Pancakes. Egg Whites with oats
What supplements do you use?
I use Furian Nutrition. Very Clean in carbs and works great for me and all the people I sell it to. I also do Furian Challenges on my face book page (Diet Help & Motivation by Jeanine Kilian). Please go check out the results.
If you had to choose only one supplement to take, what would it be?
Furian Leanx. It gives me the energy I need and helps me burn off the fat.
Give us a brief description of your philosophy on your diet, pre contest and during the off season.
I stay in shape all year by eating 6 meals a day consisting of clean foods. I try to never over eat on the wrong foods because then it’s going to be difficult to get back on track. I make sure I’m never starving myself because that is when your body stores fat.
How do you measure your progress?
Photo shoots is how I track my progress. Love being in front of a camera. Also one of my passions, I love to see the results!
How do you stay motivated, focused, and keep moving forward in all aspects of life?
The People in my life, the support I get from my friends and family. Also the fact that I’m so lucky to be backed by my wonderful sponsors:
- X-trend Hair studio, the best hair salon in Witbank
- Furian Nutrition, for all my amazing supplements
- CompuTweak, my website sponsor
- Ridge Pharmacy for all my vitamins
and all that I have achieved so far. I’m very blessed!
How important is cardio and how much cardio do you do?
I was a long distance runner for a long time, running 21km and more, but now I’m only doing 45-60 minutes of cardio. I don’t want to lose any muscle.
What are your top three tips that women should use, for training legs?
- Say Goodbye to machines
- Don’t be afraid of weights
- Choose cardio wisely
Favorite female fitness icon(s):
My friend, Jenine Van Der Merwe
Favorite Quote:
“Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities.”
Advice for someone wanting to start competing?
- Get a coach to help you with your prep/diet
- Never stop dreaming and believing
Where can people get hold of you?
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/MotivationByJeanineKilian
- Twitter: @chanine24
- Email: jkilian0[at]gmail.com
- Website: www.jeaninekilian.co.