Rock-Solid Core

Working on your core derives is a lot more than getting chiseled and defined abs. Your optimal core strength improves your efficiency in your daily tasks. It also plays an essential role in keeping back pain at a distance. Your posture gets better, your organs feel more protected, and you can focus on your tasks, and all that is because of core strength.


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


You can build your core stability and strength with many different exercises, but working with an ab wheel is quite effective as it brings solid results. The wheel improves your core strength as it effectively stabilizes your spine. The ab wheel also works multiple muscle groups such as glutes, lower back, shoulders, and triceps.

Using an ab wheel in your daily workouts will also challenge your strength as it increases the intensity of the exercises. With slight variations in your workout, you can feel a visible difference. The wheel will also help you build a strong core that can assist you in many daily tasks. The results of a study show that muscle activation is greater with the help of an ab wheel.

Here we have a list of 12 advanced ab wheel rollouts for a rock and solid core:

1 Ab Wheel Plank


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


Ab wheel plank rollout is the best exercise that engages your core and entire upper body. It is essential to have a controlled movement throughout the exercise to do not harm yourself.

  • Start in a high plank position with hands-on ab roller handles.
  • Roll the ab wheel forward and make sure that your body is in a straight line.
  • Avoid moving your legs and engage your core.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Aim for 10-20 reps.

2 Single Leg Ab Wheel Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


Single leg ab wheel rollout is an advanced exercise that induces major burn to your body. Make sure to stay focused and attentive throughout the exercise, or else you might not see the results you want.

  • Start in a standing position with one leg off of the ground and bending at the waist level.
  • Grasp the ab roller handles in each hand.
  • Now lower yourself by rolling the ab wheel forward with one leg lifted.
  • Pause when you are slightly above the floor.
  • Now return to the original position by moving the roller backward.
  • Take it slow and avoid harming yourself.
  • Do ten reps on each side.

3 Kneeling Ab Wheel Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


Kneeling ab wheel rollout increases the strength and stability in your core and lower back. With that, the exercise also works on your upper body.

  • Start in tabletop position and grasp the handles of the ab roller in each hand.
  • Set your knees on the floor and roll the ab wheel forward with your arms extended.
  • Pause here for some seconds and return to the original position.
  • Aim to do 20 reps.

4 Reverse Ab Wheel Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


You will need a band pair to attach with a strong pole to do reverse ab wheel rollout. It targets the lower abdominals and glutes and improves your focus and balance.

  • Attach the handle of the ab wheel with a pole via a band.
  • Now set your feet on the ab wheel.
  • Move the ab roller towards your chest with your hands right below your shoulder.
  • Return to the original position without moving your hands.

5 Walking Plank 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


As the name suggests, you have to walk in this exercise. Walking plank with an ab roller is great for your entire body strength. It also improves your stability as it engages multiple muscle groups.

  • Come into a high plank position and grasp the handles of the ab roller.
  • Engage your core and glutes, and start rolling the ab wheel forward.
  • With that, take some steps forward and backward.
  • Do for at least 2 minutes.

6 V Rollouts 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


V rollouts improve your balance and stability. With that, it is also a great exercise to build strength in your core. It is also an easy exercise that anyone can do irrespective of fitness level.

  • Start in a plank position with your hands on the ab roller.
  • Engage your core and roll the wheel forward to your right side.
  • Pause here for a second. Ensure that your body is making a straight line.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Now roll the wheel towards your left side at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Do ten reps on each side.

7 Isometric Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


In isometric rollout, you specifically need to pay attention to your breathing pattern. Apart from that, your body should also be in a straight line to synchronize the entire movement.

  • Start on your knees with your feet slightly above the ground and hands on the handles of the roller.
  • You should tuck your toes and your entire body engaged.
  • Roll forward, and your body should be in a straight line.
  • Now do some deep breathing and hold here for some seconds.
  • Return to starting position.

8 Standing Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


The standing rollout is an advanced movement that requires a lot of focus. It is better to do this exercise under supervision to not hurt yourself and get the most out of the exercise.

  • Stand in a straight line with an ab roller next to your feet.
  • Now lower yourself at the level of your waist and grab the handles.
  • Roll the wheel forward, and with that, lower yourself towards the ground.
  • Make sure that you are doing it controlled to avoid any injury risks.
  • When you are on the floor, pause for some seconds.
  • Your body should be making a straight line.
  • Now gradually roll the wheel to return to starting standing position.
  • Take it slow and controlled.

9 Kneeling V-Rollouts 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


Kneeling V-rollouts work your obliques and abs. It is a variation of a traditional V-rollout. The exercise requires you to come on your knees rather than forming a straight body line with extended legs.

  • Sit in a tabletop position with your arms extended and on the handles of the ab roller.
  • Your knees should be on the floor.
  • Roll out slowly towards your right side at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Engage your core and keep your back straight.
  • Return to the original position and roll out to the left side at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Do ten reps on each side.

10 Plank To Pike Rollout 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


The plank to pike rollout requires immense attention and focus. Make sure that you engage your core with complete attention to the exercise to avoid any chances of injury.

  • Place the ab roller under your feet and come in a high plank position.
  • Your hands should be directly under your shoulder.
  • Engage your core and glutes.
  • Now move the roller towards your body but keep your legs straight.
  • You should not bend your legs.
  • Your lower body and torso should be making a V.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Do it for ten reps.

11 Bridge Hold 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


The bridge hold with an ab roller does a great job activating your core. Apart from your core, the exercise also works your glutes and hamstrings.

  • Lie on your back and place the ab roller under your feet.
  • Set your feet on the paddles.
  • Now lift yourself, and with that, roll the ab wheel towards your glutes.
  • Lift your hips upwards towards the ceiling and pause here for some seconds.
  • Return to your original position in a slow and controlled manner.

12 Weighted Rollouts 


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


You can wear a weighted vest to increase the effectiveness of your rollout. Having a weighted vest will also make your exercise extremely challenging, activating and recruiting more of your muscles.

  • Wear a weighted vest and come on all fours.
  • Now grab the handles of the ab roller.
  • Slowly roll it forward and lower your body.
  • Your body should be in a straight line with arms extended forward.
  • Pause here for some seconds.
  • With a controlled and slow movement, return to the original position.
  • Aim to do ten reps to feel the burn.


Whenever you are getting started with an ab wheel workout, make sure you invest in a quality wheel. If your ab wheel does not support your exercises due to poor quality, it is of no use. There are a variety to choose from, and a quality wheel such as the DMOOSE ab wheel for ab workouts will ensure your safety and induce burn in your ab muscles.


Advanced Ab Wheel Rollouts For A Rock-Solid Core


The design of this ab wheel is slightly different from the traditional one. It aims to provide comfort to you with padded elbow support. It has an ultra-wide wheel in the center, which rolls easily on any surface. Since it is portable because of the handle attached, you can carry it anywhere you want.

You should also find a smooth surface to glide the ab wheel for your safety. The best approach here is to use a yoga mat that is thick enough and also does not slip. The mat should work on all surfaces to have the freedom to exercise anywhere you want.

Final Words 

An Ab wheel has great potential to charge up your muscles. The wheel helps you to develop a stronger and stabilized core. There are many exercises that an ab wheel supports. It also works for multiple muscles groups, so it is a great gym tool to incorporate into your fitness routine. It induces a major burn in your muscles and forces them to work a little extra, which further helps in building greater strength.


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