interview With Veterinary Surgeon And Rossi Grand Prix Champ, Dr John Charles


What are your 3 best go to biceps exercises?

  1. Straight Bar Bell Curls
  2. One arm cable curls with supination technique
  3. Standing two arm cable machine bicep curls

What are your top 3 tips when training your biceps?

  1. Vary your intensity.
  2. Vary your exercises.
  3. Never do the same routine or intensity one work out after the other. Always make the muscle “wonder” what’s next, so it does not get too use to the programme.

In your opinion, which is the most common biceps exercise that people do incorrectly? And how can they fix it?

The straight bar bell curl is often done with too heavy a weight and this compromises form and correct execution.

Do not lever or rock your upper body to accommodate too heavy a weight. interview With Veterinary Surgeon And Rossi Grand Prix Champ, Dr John Charles

What are some common mistakes people make when training their biceps?

  • Repetitions too high.
  • Weights too heavy compromising form.
  • Same routine day in and day out.


What are your 3 best go to triceps exercises?

  1. Dumb bell kick backs
  2. Rope pull downs
  3. Machine standing tricep push down (bar machine)

What are some common mistakes people make when training triceps?

They do not lock out properly to develop those striations.

What are your top 3 tips when training your triceps?

Pretty much the same as my answer to biceps. interview With Veterinary Surgeon And Rossi Grand Prix Champ, Dr John Charles

What does a typical arm workout look like for you?

Biceps and triceps on separate days to maximise loading potential and not to over strain the muscle groups on one day.

Biceps couples with back work out days.

  • Alternating DB curls 4 x 15 reps
  • Barbell curls 4 x 15 reps
  • Straight bar cable curls 4 x 20-25 reps

Triceps couples with chest training days.

  • DB tricep kick backs 4 x 15
  • Overhead tricep extensions DB 12-15
  • Tricep straight bar push downs 20-25

Read Dr. Charles’ Full Interview!

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