WBFF Bikini Pro, Berenice Salazar | Training Clips

Dumbbell Squats

Punching Bag

Hip Thrusts

FitNish.com Interview With WBFF PRO, Berenice Salazar

Tell us a bit about your online personal training at Totalfitzness? What exactly do you offer and who can join you there?

My Training is created around my client’s personal goals, equipment or no equipment, injuries, fitness level, schedule, and body. Training is updated weekly so they won’t be reaping the same workouts over and over again. Every week is different, I use different training methods & training splits to keep things interesting and to keep their bodies guessing.

A meal plan is created to help them reach their goals IN A HEALTHY WAY! The plan is created based on their body, metabolism, lifestyle, age, gender, height etc… I send out questioners before starting so I can get to know them better. I keep track of my clients progress by graphs provided to them through my website.

They can take their workout plan on the go by using a free app that allows them to track and time their workouts! No need to print or write anything down it’s all done via app 🙂 Anyone can sign up at totalfitzness.com.

 Check out Berenice’s full interview here: FitNish.com Interview With WBFF PRO, Berenice Salazar

Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift

Booty Lifts

Body Weight Squats

Core Work

Push Up and Plank


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