If you are an active social media user and have been immersed in any part of the ‘fitness industry‘ you will undoubtedly have heard of the UK apparel company, Gymshark.

What started out as 2 friends making T shirts and a few gym vests for sale has turned into a multi million dollar company.

Whether you like or hate their stuff, you cannot deny that Ben and his team have managed to do some great things and build an immense following and a well sought after brand through social media and ‘influencers’. They have managed to utilize social media and become successful through it, so it is always a good idea to listen to Ben’s advice and the few tips he occasionally gives out through his videos.

Gymshark have recently opened their own state of the art gym right next to their Headquarters, check out Ben Francis’ video to take a peek at their new gym, the Gymshark lifting club.



Gymshark Keeps Growing, The GymShark Lifting Club




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