Tag: meditate

Guided VISUAL Meditation | Discover Endless Possibilities With Positivity

This powerful guided visual meditation will help you to learn to speak to yourself in a much more positive way, building yourself up and growing your self belief. It will help and allow you to achieve anything that you want to do by visualizing exactly what you want to accomplish and thus enabling the actions […]

Guided VISUAL Meditation | Let Anxiety & Fear Burn Away in a Beach Fire

This powerful guided visual meditation will help you to let go of any grudges or anger, or anxiety and fear that you may still be holding on to, or any emotions that are holding you back from progressing or moving forward in your life. I will help You visualise yourself sitting on the soft sand […]

Guided VISUAL (Forest) Meditation | Release Worries, Anxiety, Fear

This powerful guided visual meditation will help you to relax and to be totally at peace within yourself. It will also allow you to let go of any anxiety, fears or worries that you have in the back of your mind or that have been weighing you down. It will enable you to visualise letting […]

5 Simple Ways How Meditation Can Help Improve Your Fitness Health

Meditation has so many benefits to your health, but it can also be extremely beneficial to the health that you are trying to achieve through your fitness. The act of meditation itself can actually become one of the largest tools that you have for your workouts. It can help you to focus on the various […]

The Mission Of MCYogi

Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons has been quoted as saying, “The world needs more artists like MC Yogi.” MC Yogi pioneered a new sound when he blended together his love of yoga culture with hip hop, reggae, and electronic music. Both his albums, Elephant Power and Pilgrimage, are top sellers on the I Tunes world […]

How Yogis Meditate Deeply And Can Live Without Food And Water For Days By Sadhguru

During a Youth and Truth event at Prathima Institute Of Medical Sciences, Sadhguru is asked, how are Yogis able to live without food and water when they are in deep meditative states? Sadhguru explains things so elegantly and simply, and here he talks briefly about what happens when advanced Yogis enter a deep meditative state and how […]

8 Simple Mind And Body Benefits of Hot Yoga

Staying healthy is an important part of life. A healthy lifestyle includes several aspects, including diet and physical activity.  For many people, yoga is a way to keep their body toned and flexible. It’s also great for boosting mental health. In recent years, more and more people have begun discovering the benefits of hot yoga […]

Meditative Running – A Road To A More Fulfilled You

How can a blood-pumping, heart-racing activity like running possibly be meditative? We tend to think of meditation as a still activity, usually performed in a lying position, sedentary at most. The less you move, the more relaxed and mentally present you are, right? Meditation is a state of mindfulness, conscious living in the present moment […]

Buddhist Monk Shares His Secrets Of Meditation And What It Is

The Tibetan teacher Mingyur Rinpoche, explains that meditation is the best way to train our ‘crazy monkey mind’.     For more Visual Guided Meditation videos check out Guided Visually.       What Meditation really is:   You May Also Like:        

Debunking The 5 Most Common Meditation Myths By Light Watkins

There is a certain mythology that seems to have attached itself to the practice of meditation. There are also a few myths that keep people from enjoying this ancient and life-enhancing daily ritual. Meditation is a wonderful thing that can be used to take more control of your mind and in turn, your life. Though, […]