Tag: environmentally friendly

Is It Worth Buying Second Hand Over Brand New Items?

I often buy or look for second hand items when looking to buy certain things, so I thought I would talk a bit about buying second hand and showcasing a few of the items I have managed to pick up at a bargain over the years. From tech items to a lot of furniture and […]

BAMBOO Clothing Is The Way To Go! BOODY + KWAY Reviews

Over the last few years I have been making a switch to ensuring I do not buy any clothing made from synthetic fabrics like polyester and trying to support the move to more sustainable materials. I have always been interested in bamboo clothing, and so I finally got my hands on a Boody bamboo t […]

7 Ways To Make Your Fitness Routine Eco-Friendly

Incorporating a fitness routine into your daily schedule is just one of the many ways you can lead a healthier lifestyle. But as well as looking after your body, you should also look after the planet. If you are looking for a way to stay fit and be green, there are a number of steps […]

6 SIMPLE Waste FREE TIPS To Reduce Your Waste (Zero Waste Lifestyle)

For me, becoming more and more eco conscious and friendly, and reducing my waste allowed me to also become much more of a minimalist. I like the minimalist approach because it shows you how a lot of the stuff we have/want, is very unnecessary and not useful and we clearly do not need a lot […]

Is Going Green Really That Difficult?

In this episode, hosted by Emmy-nominated conservation scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan, he discusses how you can go green and how it really isn’t that hard, especially when seeing how Lauren Singer does it!     You May Also Like:  

How To Reduce Your Waste And Reduce Your Use Of Plastic!

Firstly, Why should you reduce your waste and your plastic use? Many people have a very basic idea of what happens to all the waste that they throw out. They think the waste truck comes a long every few days and takes all the trash to some magical place where it is all disposed of […]

How Plastic Is Ruining The Environment, Animals… And Ourselves!

I think we all know that plastic is bad for the environment and that plastic sticks around forever, and does not decompose, but most of us really have no idea just how harsh the reality of it is. We think that when we take out our trash, it magically disappears and is disposed of, when […]