Tag: workout

Injured & Working Out | Working out 1 Side, How To Train Around It & Stay Fit

INJURIES SUCK. There’s no getting around it. Especially when you’re unable to use one of your limbs, whether you’re in a cast, a brace, or just limited by a doctor’s guidance. In one of the videos below, Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., shares how if approached properly (and with your doctor’s approval) there […]

3 Ways To Exercise Without a Gym While on Vacation

Vacations are a fantastic break from your usual routine. However, deviating from your home routine doesn’t mean you have to break up with exercising. Your body needs regular exercise to stay healthy, no matter where you are. Instead of stressing about finding a new gym and creating a temporary vacation workout routine, make exercise part […]

The Role of Cushioning and Stability in Running Shoes for High-Impact Workouts

Cushioning and stability in running shoes are of utmost importance when it comes to running shoes, making them key elements for improving performance while avoiding injury. The significance of cushioning and steadiness is paramount in not only improving your performance but also avoiding possible injuries. This post delves into these crucial components, providing an in-depth […]

Some of the Best Low-Impact Sports to Stay Fit and Healthy

The best low-impact sports to stay fit and healthy will be kind to your body, whereas more rigorous activities could lead to never-ending agony for joints and the likes as you get older. Summer days are here again, leading many folks to leave their house and engage in their favorite outdoor activities. Sports are popular, […]

5 Lower Body Warm Up Routines

An often overlooked or neglected aspect of training are warm ups, more so when we are younger. As we get older and wiser we tend to start prioritizing warming up and being more meticulous with our warm ups, sometimes not by choice. Warming up our muscles prevents injuries and helps to increase our active range […]

Exercising For Hormone Regulation & A Mental Health Boost

Most of us know the importance of regular exercise. It helps us keep unwanted weight off, boosts our immune response to illnesses, and helps us lead a healthy, happy life. However, what few of us realize is that behind every post-workout high is a complex chain of hormonal responses that can boost brain activity, create […]

Feeling Muscle Soreness (DOMS) After Workout? Here’s What You Can Do

If you’ve ever been active in your life and have had different workout sessions or have played any sports, you must’ve experienced that muscular soreness and aching that you feel in your entire body afterward, aka DOMS. IT can be confusing what to do with the muscle soreness and be sure if it is a […]

Tired Of The Same Old Workout? Simple Tips To A Fun Workout!

There are two kinds of people in the world; those who like to workout, and those who don’t! The thing is, in this day and age it’s getting harder and harder to deny the fact that staying fit is a necessity. Not only that, but it is becoming more accessible and much more versatile in […]

3 Simple Tips For An Effective And Safe Home Workout

With many people around the world having to stay home for their own safety and many businesses having to close their doors in order to protect both their employees and their customers, those who once went to the gym in order to workout are left having to figure out another way to get exercise. While […]