Tag: weights

What To Know Before Performing Barbell Exercises

Barbell exercises are one of the most effective and popular ways to build strength and grow muscle. Whether you train for sports competitions or just aim to improve your fitness, doing barbell exercises—such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press—provides many benefits.  However, before you start loading up the barbell, you should know a few […]

How To Make Homemade Weights (DIY Dumbbells) With A Bit Of Cement

With the lock down getting longer and longer and gyms still not opening, it can start to get difficult to keep those home workouts going, especially if you have minimal equipment at home. Something that can give your motivation a bit of a jolt is getting some new gym equipment for your home workouts. Whether […]

How Much Do You Really Need To Sleep? A Logical Explanation

Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, leadership coach, award-winning author and a medical doctor. She explains how an individual can determine how much sleep they actually need.     I have always wondered how people who manage with such little sleep can get by, while I struggle through the day if I get less than 6 […]