Tag: abs

Some Benefits Of Practicing A CrossFit Geared Workout Routine

CrossFit gyms are gaining more popularity worldwide and are also known as ‘boxes.’ It is a particular type of high-intensity power fitness (HIPT) regime. Some of the significant forms of workouts that are parts of HIPT include plyometric jumping, explosive strength movements, kettlebells, and Olympic weightlifting. In this article, you will learn about some of […]

Interesting Fitness Facts – How Working Out Can Help Your Mental Health

We’re beginning to notice that our health and mental well-being need to take priority above all else. Especially with the uncertain time that we are currently living in, ensuring that we take care of our mental stability is essential. Research has revealed a strong link between mental health and physical fitness. Interestingly, you have lower […]

7 Muscle-Building Foods For Vegans

Protein is an essential part of our diet and one of the main components of our body. Plant foods are a great source of protein and when it comes to a vegan diet, muscle mass, and endurance, many athletes are proof that, although they are vegans, they can endure their training and still build muscle […]

Incorporating More ‘HIIT’ Protocols Into Your Workout

HIIT or High-intensity interval training, also called high-intensity intermittent exercise or sprint interval training, is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue. In simple terms, HIIT can be thought of as performing an exercise all out […]

Riki Warren Aka Rix.official, Movement And Mobility Motivation

Riki Warren is a truly amazing athlete and person, training in a variety of movements he facilitates calisthenics or bodyweight teachings, teaches Yoga (ad the true form of Yoga) and other movement or mobility type trainings. He is a World record holder on the Olympic Rings, an author and has 28 years of multi-discipline training […]

A Few Great Exercises To Get You Started For The Day

There are a lot of studies and views that show that exercising early in the morning is good for your mood. Having more energy, it eventually follows that you’ll function better and possibly even be more alert throughout the day. A few benefits of exercising in the morning could include increased overall muscle strength, weight […]

6 Simple But Effective Ways To Stay Motivated

Staying positive and motivated can help make things happen. But it’s hard to imagine a single person in the world who finds staying motivated difficult. A person can experience many events in life that can challenge an optimistic attitude. But there are ways to help you through those times. Here are some ways to keep […]

British Sprinter, Laviai Nielsen Motivation

Laviai Nielsen (it’s La-ve-aa) is a British sprinter, who competed in the women’s 400 metres at the 2017 European Athletics Indoor Championships, finishing in fourth place in the final. Lavai has an identical twin sister, Lina Nielsen, who is also an international athlete in the same events. Check out some of her posts showcasing some of her […]