Category: Recovery

Best Ways To Support Someone Recovering From An Injury

Injuries can happen at any time. Whether it’s as dramatic as a car accident or as mundane as a slip on the stairs, an injury can seriously derail someone’s plans. The injured person isn’t the only one affected, as someone in the position of caring for an injured loved one will also face challenges as […]

8 Simple Exercises/Stretches for Relieving Shoulder Tension

People who spend most of their day bent over a computer recognize how uncomfortable shoulder tension can be. With the work-from-home model as the norm these days, it’s not strange to catch yourself in a poor sitting posture. If you add the time spent driving to the mix, you end up bearing a lot of […]

How To Effectively Motivate Yourself To Fully Recover After A Major Injury

You have been working on yourself and putting in the time at the gym, going the extra mile, and making efforts to squeeze workouts into your busy schedule. You have been pushing yourself to get fitter and faster. You started feeling good already and started to stay committed and consistent until the unthinkable yet inevitable […]

Running While Recovering From A Sprained Ankle

If you are a runner, spraining your ankle is one of the most frustrating things that can happen! It’s not just the blow to the physical routine for many people, but the inability to do the exercise that is so important to mental well-being that is so frustrating. Understandably, people want to get back to […]

Tips To Avoid Lower Back Pain And How To Deal With It

Working out can make your body stronger, however, the performing exercises incorrectly could give you back pain and cause injuries that leave you in agony. First, let’s talk about back pain and why you should not ignore it. Back Pain: What It Is Back pain can occur because of strained back muscles and/or spinal ligaments. […]

6 Top Tips To Sleep Like An Athlete

Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their performance and skills. They know that to be the best they can be, they have to make sacrifices. Often that means adhering to strict practice schedules, following an exercise regimen, eating a quality diet that fuels the body for optimal performance; and committing to proper rest […]

How Much Do You Really Need To Sleep? A Logical Explanation

Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, leadership coach, award-winning author and a medical doctor. She explains how an individual can determine how much sleep they actually need.     I have always wondered how people who manage with such little sleep can get by, while I struggle through the day if I get less than 6 […]