Category: Recovery

Essential Tools That Help With Muscle Recovery

Staying fit and active is great, but muscle recovery is just as important for maintaining your performance and preventing injuries. This article will highlight some must-have tools and techniques to help with muscle recovery. Foam Rollers Foam rollers are a staple in the fitness world for a reason. They help release muscle tension, improve flexibility, […]

5 Tips for Getting Out of a Workout Slump

Falling into a workout slump happens to the best of us, even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts. But this decrease in activity doesn’t need to be the end of your time in the gym, and there are ways to get back into action. Use these tips to get out of your workout slump and reignite […]

What To Do After Getting Injured While Working Out

The last thing anyone wants is to suffer an injury after a workout. Unfortunately, it can happen even with the best intentions and proper form. Taking the right steps is important to ensure a speedy recovery and prevent further damage when faced with an injury. Here are a few tips for what to do after getting […]

5 Apparent Benefits of an Ice Bath for Your Health

Humans have been using hydrotherapy, the therapeutic use of water, to treat various conditions of the body and spirit for centuries. In fact, we can trace the roots of water immersion therapy back to ancient civilizations! In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Western world began exploring the theory that dipping yourself in […]

Top Athlete Recovery Techniques You Can Do at Home

You may have seen images of professional athletes soaking in ice baths or sweating in saunas. Neither of these is very practical for recreational athletes who are simply interested in keeping fit. In fact, recent research suggests that those ice-filled tubs aren’t such a good idea after all. But since recovery is an integral part […]

Injured & Working Out | Working out 1 Side, How To Train Around It & Stay Fit

INJURIES SUCK. There’s no getting around it. Especially when you’re unable to use one of your limbs, whether you’re in a cast, a brace, or just limited by a doctor’s guidance. In one of the videos below, Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., shares how if approached properly (and with your doctor’s approval) there […]

What Is Workout Recovery & Why Is It Important?

A proper fitness regime consists of more than just exercise, it involves many moving parts, each working toward the same goal of healthier, stronger, and growing bodies. Acts of physical movement, proper nutritional intake, and rest, a recovery stage, are essential to maximizing one’s fitness journey. Implementing recovery to your workout routine offers many benefits, […]

Rest & Recovery For Athletes: Tips, Benefits, And Importance

The belief that skipping a couple of workouts a week will set you back a few strides with athletic performance is a myth that has been debunked over and over. Yet many people continue to believe it. Allowing your body to take some time to recover in between workouts and having rest days is a […]

Feeling Muscle Soreness (DOMS) After Workout? Here’s What You Can Do

If you’ve ever been active in your life and have had different workout sessions or have played any sports, you must’ve experienced that muscular soreness and aching that you feel in your entire body afterward, aka DOMS. IT can be confusing what to do with the muscle soreness and be sure if it is a […]