
Why You Should Add Pilates to Your Workout Routine

Pilates is more than just a workout, it’s a holistic approach to fitness that can transform the way you move, feel, and think about physical exercise. Keep reading to learn the many benefits of Pilates and why you should consider adding it to your workout routine. Builds Muscle Pilates, a low-impact exercise method, is an […]

Heavy Lifting Ergonomics – The Lift Setup For Heavy Objects

You may have heard about proper desk ergonomics, but have you ever heard about heavy lifting ergonomics? Many have not. Unfortunately, the majority of back injuries that Americans suffer each year are caused at work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than one million workers suffer back injuries every year. Heavy lifting […]

Top Athlete Recovery Techniques You Can Do at Home

You may have seen images of professional athletes soaking in ice baths or sweating in saunas. Neither of these is very practical for recreational athletes who are simply interested in keeping fit. In fact, recent research suggests that those ice-filled tubs aren’t such a good idea after all. But since recovery is an integral part […]

Strategies for Sweet Tooths: Sticking to Your Diet

Let’s face it, we all have our weaknesses when it comes to food, and for many of us, it is the irresistible allure of sweet treats. The struggle is real, especially when you are trying to stick to a diet, but your sweet tooth keeps calling. This article will offer practical strategies for sweet tooths […]

How to Heal, Mentally & Physically, After a Car Accident

Life can take a sudden turn after a car accident, leaving behind physical pain and anxiety about what to do next and how to get help. In the aftermath, physical therapy and counseling can be a guiding light, leading you back toward the life you had before. Let’s unravel this important process, from regaining strength […]

Entelect Year End Function JHB 2023 Vlog!

Take a look at what went down at the Entelect JHB year end function this year! #softwareengineer #softwareengineering 😁     Entelect offers end-to-end technology services and solutions, collaborating with their customers to help them go from good to great. “Our philosophy and our culture continue to allow us to help forward-thinking businesses around the […]

What Is Good Sleep Hygiene, and How Does It Affect Our Health?

Our world is fast-paced, with demands and distractions abound. This often makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. However, the significance of sleep cannot be overstated when it comes to your overall health. Sleep hygiene includes the various practices of your bedtime routine leading to your quality of sleep. As such, it plays […]

Tips for Overcoming the Lack of Motivation To Exercise

We’ve all been there, the moment when the couch seems more appealing than the gym, and your motivation to exercise is at an all-time low. While these moments may cause you to consider your physical and mental health, you shouldn’t worry. With the following tips to overcome the lack of motivation to exercise, you can […]

Injured & Working Out | Working out 1 Side, How To Train Around It & Stay Fit

INJURIES SUCK. There’s no getting around it. Especially when you’re unable to use one of your limbs, whether you’re in a cast, a brace, or just limited by a doctor’s guidance. In one of the videos below, Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., shares how if approached properly (and with your doctor’s approval) there […]

Sweating It Out? Keep It Clean!

When you hit the gym, you’re there to shed calories, not decorum. Keeping things clean is not just a matter of good manners, it’s about everyone’s well-being. Imagine working out in a place that’s as fresh as a daisy, where every weight and treadmill is a clean slate for your fitness conquest. That’s the dream, […]