
How To Stay Committed to Routinely Working Out on Vacation

Traveling can potentially hinder your cherished fitness regimen. Luckily, being creative and diligent will help you stay committed to routinely working out on vacation. Here are some tips to help you prepare before your next trip. Take Advantage of the Hotel’s Fitness Amenities Many hotels and resorts have state-of-the-art gyms that cater to all your […]

Everything To Know About Cross-Training for Athletes

For those living an active lifestyle, the term “cross-training” pops up frequently. But what is it, and why does it hold so much appeal? Cross-training is about diversifying your workout regimen. It’s the practice of training in more than one sport or type of exercise to improve fitness and performance, particularly in your main sport. […]

Top 4 Tips for Balancing a Busy Lifestyle With Wellness

Balancing a bustling lifestyle with wellness is no small feat, yet it’s an essential endeavor for maintaining health, happiness, and productivity. The demands of daily life often pull people in multiple directions, making it challenging to prioritize self-care. However, integrating wellness into a hectic schedule can be seamless and efficient with a few top tips. […]

Guided VISUAL Meditation | Discover Endless Possibilities With Positivity

This powerful guided visual meditation will help you to learn to speak to yourself in a much more positive way, building yourself up and growing your self belief. It will help and allow you to achieve anything that you want to do by visualizing exactly what you want to accomplish and thus enabling the actions […]

How to Cycle Towards Making a Difference

If you love to cycle and want to make a difference in the world, why not bite the bullet and sign up for a charity bike ride? Providing the perfect opportunity to turn your passion for cycling into something good, so many charities need fundraisers just like yourself. When it comes to organizing a cycle […]

5 Apparent Benefits of an Ice Bath for Your Health

Humans have been using hydrotherapy, the therapeutic use of water, to treat various conditions of the body and spirit for centuries. In fact, we can trace the roots of water immersion therapy back to ancient civilizations! In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Western world began exploring the theory that dipping yourself in […]

My Youtube Video Gear

I thought I would make a post detailing all the equipment and stuff I have and use to make videos and content for the website as well for the socials. I will try keep it updated as I go and if you have any questions feel free to ask! By the way, most of these […]

5 Ways I Keep My Home Stuff Organized

Over the years I have found a few small tips and tricks to keeping things organized and somewhat neat and tidy throughout the house, which work for me. From drawers to cables, there’s always something small that can really make a big difference to the way you do things. I put together a short list […]

Wazoogles Superfood Protein Blend Review | Peanut Butterlicious!

This review looks at a vegan protein powder and superfood smoothie blend, more specifically the Wazoogles Superfood Protein Blend – Peanut Butterlicious! Protein shakes are a great way to add to your daily intake of calories as well as essential nutrients and ‘super foods’, and add just what you need. There is no need to […]

Health Benefits of Eating a High-Fiber Diet

Did you know there’s a simple, staple component of our daily meals that could potentially unlock a world of health benefits? Enter the prolific yet humble dietary fiber—an unsung hero in the realm of nutrition. Our bodies thrive on this not-so-digestible plant matter, and a diet rich in fiber has more perks than we often […]