Tag: Motivation

The Fit Five! 5 Amazing Benefits Of Working Out Regularly

If you’re sick of being tired and are ready to take control of your life, it’s time to get active. Exercise is one of the most efficient ways to boost your mood and energy levels. A recent study found that people who exercise regularly experience less anxiety than those who don’t. If you haven’t been […]

Things To Do To Improve Your Well-Being And Quality Of Life

In today’s world, it is more imperative than ever to care for yourself mentally and physically. However, with the increasing pressure to succeed in both professional and personal life, it’s easy to neglect our well-being.  However, neglecting your mental and physical health can have negative consequences beyond just feeling unhappy or tired. Poor mental health […]

The Fit Five! 5 Tips To Get More Out Of Your Workout Routine

Everyone wants to achieve their desired body goals, especially bodybuilders. If you’re aspiring to be a bodybuilder someday, you must understand that it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a constant work of progress and sacrifice to achieve your muscle and physique goals.  Many people tend to go to the gym and exercise but stop when they […]

1 Hour Morning Vinyasa Yoga Flow By Tania

Follow along with Tania as she takes you through a 1 hour vinyasa yoga flow to make you feel amazing! It also includes a short relaxation at the end.                   View this post on Instagram                         […]

3 Powerful Core & Mobility Moves!

In this short video I demonstrate 3 nice and easy moves that you can incorporate to improve your flexibility, mobility and core strength at the same time!💪 I want to slowly get better and better at them and in turn become a lot more mobile and flexible, so lets see it goes! Let me know […]

Melissa Bratic Team Canada Karate Motivation

Melissa Bratic is a Karate athlete From Canada, who displays incredible flexibility, strength and stamina in many of her training videos. Check out  some of her competition videos and training videos to gain some insight into how she trains to stay fit, flexible and agile!                 View this […]

Simple Tips To Achieve Peak Performance In Your Life

Do you think you’re living up to your full potential in life? Unfortunately, for many people, the answer may be, not quite. Potential and peak performance are closely intertwined, and today we’re going to talk about both of them and how you can achieve peak performance in your life with powerful strategies. How to Achieve […]

How To Stay Motivated To Train After Work

It’s important to fit physical activity and exercise into your daily routine, but nine-to-five jobs don’t always give you a lot of opportunities to do so. That is why many people choose to work out at the gym after work. However, after a long day, that can sometimes be easier said than done. Since we […]

9 Ways Your Personal Trainer Can Improve Your Motivation

Don’t we just all want to be those kinds of people that are obsessed with working out? They wake up each morning and they seem to only have one thing in mind, fitness. It is achievable but most people will need help in order to get into that headspace. That is where personal trainers come […]