Tag: attitude

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong

We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical health and how it is important to exercise the body, but much less time on mental strength and mental health. Being mentally strong is just as important, if not more important than being physically strong and there are many exercises and ways to strengthen […]

Rethinking Anxiety: Learning To Face Fear | Dawn Huebner

Fear engulfs our minds and can take over our lives, paralyzing us to be stuck in one place while life continues without us. It’s not easy, but we have to train ourselves to overcome fear. “We are hard-wired to shrink away from the things that scare us, to fight, flee or freeze in the face […]

10 Ways To Jump Start A Mood Change For The Better!

There are two times in your day that you have complete control over; when you wake up and when you go to bed. The rest of your day will be filled with experiences, of which many will be completely out of your control. What you do have, however, is the power to control your reaction […]