Tag: low-calorie

Biogen ISO Whey Protein Review

Today I will be focusing on and reviewing the brand Biogen, ISO whey protein.  You can check out more of their supplement range here, www.biogen.co.za Let’s just have a look at exactly what we want a whey protein shake for and when should we be using it?  A whey protein shake, primarily, is there for […]

Evox 100% Whey Protein Review

Today I will be focusing on and reviewing the brand Evox, 100% Whey protein. Here’s a bit of general information on whey protein.  Whey protein is extracted from milk.  Milk is made up of whey protein and casein protein and generally whey protein digests much quicker than casein.  So to recap from my first post, […]

Healthy Homemade Pizza With An Oat Base!

Ever see someone enjoying a nice big slice of pizza and thinking, wow I wish I could eat that and still lose weight! And then in your mind you start trying to justify to yourself that, that one piece of pizza could actually be low in calories, “I mean there’s all those vegetables on top […]