Category: Nutrition Tips

Do Sports and Energy Drinks Actually Give You ENERGY?

It’s unfortunate that many people these days fall prey to a lot of companies marketing campaigns whether truthful or not.  That’s why it is so important to be educated and informed about the products which you decide to buy, and more so the products you wish to put in your body. Many times you may […]

A Simple Way To Not Waste Extra Vegetables and Fruit

Do you ever go to the grocery store and sometimes end up buying a whole trolley full of fresh fruit and vegetables because you couldn’t make up your mind on what fruit you actually wanted so you just took a bit of everything?  Then you get home and after a week or so most of it has […]

What and When To Eat | Is Meal Timing That Important?

Many people have a relatively good idea of which foods are healthy and which are not, or at least what foods are healthier than others.  But what most people are not aware of is the particulars of timing what you eat.  What I am talking about is, eating certain things at certain times. By manipulating […]

Healthy Eating – How Many Meals a Day?

We are all used to the standard 3 meals a day, namely breakfast, lunch and supper.  But is this optimal for gaining muscle or losing fat, or even for general health?  And anyway, in between these meals I’m quite sure a lot of people have some sort of small snacks, so the majority of people […]

Losing Weight the Easy Way

A lot of times people complicate things and make losing weight such a complex process, which it really isn’t.  I can understand how it may seem daunting, the thought of what and when to eat, how to train, what specific exercises are best, how long to train for, and how to actually put all this […]

Lose Weight by Cutting Out Refined Carbohydrates

Ever wonder why you have cravings for those dough nuts, bread or for all those sweet goodies?  It could very well be because you are eating far too much of those sugary foods in the first place. Refined carbohydrates seem to have quite a bad impact on our bodies yet we ingest them so freely […]

The Secret Ingredient

I hope you didn’t open this article hoping to find some SECRET on how to lose weight or gain pounds of muscle quickly and easily.  Unfortunately there is no secret or magic pill which you can just take without putting in the time and effort required. I recently read an article from Joel Marion’s website, […]

Preparing Meals/Breakfast in advance

A quote which seems appropriate for this post;  ‘If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.’  I know a lot of guys who say they don’t have time to make a decent breakfast every morning because they have to get up early for work etc etc etc.  So here’s a solution.  Prepare all your meals […]