Tag: gym

5 Lower Body Warm Up Routines

An often overlooked or neglected aspect of training are warm ups, more so when we are younger. As we get older and wiser we tend to start prioritizing warming up and being more meticulous with our warm ups, sometimes not by choice. Warming up our muscles prevents injuries and helps to increase our active range […]

9 Tips for Achieving a Masculine Physique: From Diet to Exercise and Beyond

Every man dreams of having a healthy, masculine physique. Not only does it boost confidence, but it’s also a testament to hard work, discipline, and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. If you’re ready to sculpt your body and achieve your fitness goals, look no further. While the focus is on a masculine physique here, many […]

Injury Prevention Techniques to Use When Playing Sports

From broken teeth to sprained ankles, suffering an injury while playing a sport is relatively common. While some of these injuries are practically unpreventable, and an acceptable risk for most sports enthusiasts, many of these injuries can easily be avoided with the right strategies. So what steps can you take to reduce injuries while playing […]

Ben Patrick Aka ‘Kneesovertoesguy’ Motivation

Ben Patrick, aka Kneesovertoesguy has such valuable and overlooked techniques and advice for increasing strength and mobility and most importantly knee health and longevity. He is always sharing short clips with powerful tips and techniques to improve many aspects of your exercises and training routines. His tips help with mobility and strength among other things, […]

Are Personal Trainers Liable for Injury at the Gym? Here’s What to Know

Liability is a complicated thing. Oftentimes the context of a particular situation influences the outcome of a liability discussion making it hard to craft definitive statements about it. When it comes to personal trainers and injuries sustained while working out at the gym, liability can fall on either party depending on the specifics of how […]

The Fit Five! 5 Amazing Benefits Of Working Out Regularly

If you’re sick of being tired and are ready to take control of your life, it’s time to get active. Exercise is one of the most efficient ways to boost your mood and energy levels. A recent study found that people who exercise regularly experience less anxiety than those who don’t. If you haven’t been […]

The Fit Five! 5 Tips For Getting Out Of That Fitness Slump

With the new year fast approaching, many of us will reflect and may feel like we need to kickstart our fitness and wellness journey. We may also just want to get back into it after going through a slower dip currently. Remember life has ups and downs, so don’t get too down if you feel […]

Preventing Common Weight Lifting-Induced Ailments

There are many benefits that come from lifting weights. It’s great for strength and stability, it can boost your metabolism, and give your heart health a boost. However, if you’re experiencing issues during your workout, weight lifting could indirectly, potentially be the cause.  Whether you’re new to strength training or you’ve been doing it for […]

Achieving Your Bodybuilding Goals While Eating Plant-based Foods

When you’re trying to gain muscle mass and up your game, there’s no denying that getting more protein is a key component. However, if you’re trying to follow a plant-based diet, that might sound easier said than done.  Thankfully, that isn’t necessarily the case. There are too many misconceptions about bodybuilding and plant-based foods. For […]