Tag: reduce plastic

Fill Your Re-usable Glass Jars Up With JARAJAR.co.za!

What is Jarajar? Jarajar is a cool new innovative business in Cape Town where you can shop online to order a whole bunch of food products such as nuts, grains, pasta or rice, spices; you know, all the stuff you use in your kitchen! The beauty of it, is that all your products get delivered […]

Package Free Shopping At Pick N Pay Constantia in Cape Town!

I recently visited the Constantia Pick n Pay in Cape Town after I had heard that they have set up a small package free station in the shop. As I got there, (the shop being sooo big) I looked around and initially could not see it. Immediately my heart sank and I thought “ahh they […]

How To Compost Anywhere!

In this video Lauren Singer from Trash is for Tossers will teach you how she stores her compost in her Brooklyn apartment and then how she takes it to the farmers market to compost!     If you haven’t heard of composting before, it is essentially taking organic waste (food, yard trimmings, paper) and breaking […]